The government will appeal to the State Prosecutor's Office if the mayor of Ripoll does not provide clarifications regarding the record

The government will appeal to the State Prosecutor's Office if the mayor of Ripoll does not provide clarifications regarding the record

The government will appeal to the State Prosecutor's Office if the mayor of Ripoll does not provide clarifications regarding the recordDJ

The central government has given the mayor of Ripoll, Silvia Orioles, a 20-day deadline to provide clarifications on how she manages the registry after EL PERIÓDICO revealed the obstacles faced by new arrivals who want to register in this municipality. In a letter sent on Thursday, which this newspaper was able to access, the government sub-delegation in Girona urged the Orioles to submit a report on how the files are being processed, the requirements they require and the deadlines for resolving the requests. This Friday, Government delegate in Catalonia, Carlos BritoShe went a step further and warned the extremist leader that if she did not provide an answer within this 20-day period, the government would resort to State Attorney's Office.

“We are concerned about the rhetoric of unwillingness to integrate, the rhetoric against coexistence in the same society,” confirms the government delegate in Catalonia, Carlos Prieto.

Brito explained that after these 20 days, if there is no response, the government will send a new letter to the mayor demanding to know the reasons for her non-response to the initial request. According to the answer”We'll talk to the state's attorney's office Let's see what they are Steps to follow“, Brito noted.

A representative of the government in Catalonia claims that he is concerned about speeches “like the one he appears to be making mayor “Repoll.” “We are concerned about the rhetoric of not wanting to integrate; -Discourse against coexistence in the same society. We must realize that societies are becoming increasingly diverse and pluralistic, and we must work together to be able to build One community Prieto stressed in a press conference after participating in the local safety council of Hospitalet de Llobregat.

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However, Prieto insisted that, far from the scoring issue, “Hate speech is more troubling.”. In this sense, the Government delegate referred to the statements on migration made by world leaders s To other independent communities.

Having learned of the request via a letter from the government, the Orioles reacted on social networks and did so with a combative attitude, hinting that they would not pay attention to it. “The Spanish government should take care of Spain and leave it alone Catalonia”, in a message on

For its part, the Sindicatura de Greuges has reactivated the investigation into registration in Catalonia, since, as this newspaper explained, Ripoll will not be the only municipality that makes registration difficult, which is the right of every citizen who, despite not having a fixed address, lives in a rented room. , in a hut or on the street. The entities and lawyers urged the government to act ex officio against the mayor of Ripoll. The General Mandate, through the Ministry of Equality, is finalizing a summit of mayors to address this problem and agree on a common framework.

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