The global wine sector is losing production and consumers

The global wine sector is losing production and consumers

“The world’s grape and wine sector facesDifficult challengesThis is partly due to the effects of climate change and pressures Inflationists And high prices. This was stated in the conclusions of the report presented today, Thursday, April 25International Organization of Vine and Wine, OIV, Regarding the industry and the use of data from the year 2023. Director General of the Authority, john parker, He has placed in black on white a series of clearly visible numbers Descending direction Both in terms of wine production and consumption. In steps

first and foremost, Vineyard surface It continues to go down, reducing to 7.2 million hectaresthe number representing one A decrease of 0.5% compared to 2022 data. They say that the downward trend recorded for the third year in a row proves the fact that vines are being uprooted in different growing regions in the northern and southern hemispheres. Parker pointed out that although there are many wine-producing countries on the planet, most of the area is distributed among six countries, including France, Italy and Spain, being the last.The Spanish state has the largest registered area, with 945 thousand hectaresFollowed by France and China.

Woman with a glass of wine
Woman with a glass of wine | Image: iStock

Lowest wine production since 1961

He said these vines suffered last year Extreme weather conditions – floods, heavy rains – and fungal diseases widely, culminating in “historically low” global production – in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres – of up to 237.4 million hectolitersThis represents 10% less than the previous year and the lowest wine production since 1961 on the planet, according to the OIV report. In this case, France is at the top of the world's wine production, Facing a significant decline in its main competitors, Italy and Spain (by -23%), according to the report.

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Regarding Consume Global Wine Market, 2023 has closed with appreciation 221 million hectolitersas well as reproduce the tendency to a little Other indicators include: We are facing a decrease of 2.6% compared to 'Numbers are already low' -says the OIV- for 2022. In this case, they attribute it to “the increase in production and distribution costs, driven by inflationary pressures” that caused an increase in prices for consumers, who also face, on the other hand, “a decline in purchasing power.” Despite the challenges, they point out from the OIV that “there have been some markets that have shown resilience.” In absolute terms, it remains the main consumer market United StateFollowed by France and Italy in second and third places.

Black grapes | Photo: De Catalunya

Standard price per litre

last but not least, International wine trade It has been “significantly” affected by the rise in prices. It has been exported 99 million hectoliter (And -6% For the year 2022) amounting to 36,000 million euros. the The main exporting country is Italy (7.7 billion euros), although France exceeds it with a value of (11.9 billion euros). During 2023, Spain exported 2,900 million euros. OIV celebrates that despite the decrease in quantity, it is “compensated” by the rise in the average price per litre, which ““It broke the record of €3.62 per liter.”

After displaying the numbers Parker Provide a summary Initial estimate of the last vintage In which producing countries indulgeSouthern Hemisphere. Insist on the fact that we are dealing with data.”Too early“Talk about one 5% increase of average production is due, above all, to increased harvests in countries such as Australia (+21%) i Argentina (+20%). On the other hand, production in Chile is expected to decline by more than -10%.

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Shortly before the presentation ended, the Director General of the OIV Office noted Challenges which the world's vineyard and wine sector is currently facing. “Climate change is the most important and the most urgent“, he pointed out. That is why he insisted on the fact that “we must work harder than ever to mitigate its effects.”

This year, the International Vine and Wine Organization is preparing events to celebrate its centenary, which will take place in 2024.

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