The first cases in the United States, how they are transmitted, and symptoms

The first cases in the United States, how they are transmitted, and symptoms

first time in United StateAmong the injured monkeypox There are also children: a California baby and a newborn who does not reside in the United States. Yesterday, the “Centers for Disease Control and Prevention” (CDC) agency explained that the two cases are unrelated and may be the result of local transmission, and added that the children are now being treated and their health condition is not serious.

Monkey pox, the origin of the virus

Monkeypox, which causes flu-like symptoms and skin lesions, has spread – outside the Central and West African countries where the disease is endemic – mainly in men who have sex with other men. The disease spreads mainly through close contact. So far this year there have been more than 14,000 cases of monkeypox in more than 60 countries and 5 deaths in Africa.

As reported by The Guardian, Dr. Jennifer McQuiston, deputy director of the CDC’s Division of Pathogens and High-Risk Diseases, explained that it was not surprising that children were infected with monkeypox, but that “there is no evidence yet that we are seeing this virus spread.” Outside of “the gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men communities,” he said, 99 percent of the 2,891 confirmed cases of monkeypox in the United States involved men who had sex with men, but some transgender women and men were also infected.

Vaccine in the United States

White House Covid-19 response coordinator Dr Ashish Jha said the government has provided 300,000 doses of monkeypox vaccine and is working to speed up shipment from Denmark by an additional 786,000 doses. He added – as reported by “The Guardian” – that there is already enough vaccine available to provide a first dose of the vaccine to more than half of the eligible population in New York City and more than 70% of the eligible population in Washington, DC.

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The mortality rate in previous outbreaks of the current strain in Africa was about 1%, but so far this outbreak appears to be less lethal in non-endemic countries. However, a number of patients reported being hospitalized due to severe pain. Jha said the United States is still studying whether the monkeypox outbreak should be declared a public health emergency.

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