The European Central Bank is in the dark about interest rates, and the market remains uncertain about Lagarde’s next moves

The European Central Bank is in the dark about interest rates, and the market remains uncertain about Lagarde’s next moves

Milan – Highlight European Central Bank The week it opens. On Thursday, the ECB’s Governing Council will be called on to decide on its next monetary policy moves, in particular whether to continue raising interest rates, imposing sanctions for a tenth consecutive increase, and instead opting for a pause path, as is already the case. This was done in the Fed months as well, and this is the point on which the market remains divided today, he also confirms. Bloombergaccording to which there is a state of uncertainty within the Governing Council about the moves that will be adopted and that the decision expected on Thursday is the most “exciting” decision, and therefore uncertain, since Frankfurt began tightening monetary policy.

Lagarde “chasing” Powell: That’s why interest rates will rise more in Europe as well

By Eugenio Occurcio

Main week also for Nourish itToday, Wednesday, new updated data on inflation is awaited, which is a main reference for the US Central Bank to decide how to move at the next meeting on September 20. Expectations indicate an acceleration in general data, following the rise in gasoline prices, while the “core” component is expected to continue in the slowdown phase.

On the internal side, the most important event is the start of hearings on a topic Tax on additional profits Banks, after Senate technicians raised doubts about the potential risks of unconstitutionality in recent days. There is special anticipation for the ABI’s intervention scheduled for Tuesday.

Monday 11 September

– Istat: releases industrial production data, July – Istat: releases the monthly note on economic performance, August

– Luis: In Rome, Luis’ “Welcome to the New Students” party, with Rector Principe, General Director Lou Storto, Sace CEO Alessandra Ricci and Engineering CEO Maximo Ibarra – Markets: At the Italian Stock Exchange, in Milan, view the report 10th “Italian Institutional Investors: Members, Resources and Managers 2022”, organized by the Center for Social Security Pathways Studies and Research

– Road Safety: in Milan, the closing event of the “On the Road” 2023 project. With Matteo Salvini, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure and Transport

– Confindustria: In Vicenza event “Quarrying industry: from economic necessity to opportunity for the region”, organized by Confindustria Veneto and the Veneto Quarrymen Association. With the remote intervention of the Minister of Business and Made in Italy, Adolfo Orso

– Vicenzaro: “Vicenzaoro – Jewelry Boutique Exhibition” in Vicenza, organized by the Italian Galleries Group.

-Transition: In Perugia, the event “Algorithmic ethics and the future of twin transformation”, organized by Nemetria. With Katia da Ros, Vice President of Confindustria for Environment, Sustainability and Culture

– Business: In Lucca, the conference “New generations, global companies and the challenge of competitiveness”, organized by the EMET School of Advanced Studies in Lucca, Confindustria, the Foreign Business Observatory and LOUIS.

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With Barbara Beltram, Vice President of Internationalization at Confindustria; Giovanni Brugnoli, Confindustria Vice President of Human Capital

– European Union: Brussels, the Commission publishes updated economic estimates.

Tuesday 12 September

– Transportation: In the room, a press conference by the Transportation Regulatory Authority for the annual report of the House of Representatives. – Government bonds: Auction of annual BoTs bonds for a total amount of 7 billion. 11:00 am is the deadline for submitting applications.

– Made in Italy: At the press conference of the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy to present the “Made” campaign –

“Made in Italy, Made to perfection”, organized by Otb Group. With Adolfo Orso, Minister of Business and Made in Italy, and Renzo Russo, Founder and President of Otb

– Almaviva in the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy on the crisis table of the call center company. With enterprise, company and union representatives – Dl Assets: In the Senate, Joint Environment and Industry Committee, hearings for ‘Enac, Antitrut, Ita Airways, Easyjet, Ryanair, Federtaxi Cisal Associations, Association for the Legal Protection of Taxis, Uri, Acai, Claai and Uti Anitrav Ncc, Air Commission (Italian United Drivers), Transport System, Federnoleggio Confesercenti, Ncc Business Confederation, Association of Ncc, Agrinsieme, Coldiretti, Federpesca and Fedagripesca Confcooperative. Abiy, Asopubulari and Federcas were summoned over the extra earnings issue. Furthermore, hearings for Ance, Asstra, Agens, Anav, Confetra, Confartigianato, Cna, Cgil, Cisl, Uil and Ugl

– Intesa Sp: In Milan, press conference on “Venture Capital: Growth Projects for Neva Sgr, a new fund to be launched in 2024”. With Neva President, Remmert and Neva CEO and CEO, Costantini

– Companies: In Milan, presentation of the 2023 Internationalization Survey Report “Repositioning and new geographies of Lombard companies” created by Confindustria Lombardia and Assolombarda

– Digital: In Milan: Conference “Italy Smart and Sustainable Cities. Digital Tools and Implementation Tools at the Service of Local PA” sponsored by Anci and promoted by Tim Enterprise, the business unit of the Tim Group dedicated to public and corporate administration.

– CGIL: In Bologna, the National Assembly after negotiation with the Secretary General, Maurizio Landini

– Real Estate: In Turin, a practical guide to renting, selling and buying real estate. With the President of the Council of Notaries of the United Provinces of Turin and Pinerolo, Gallo Orsi and the President of the Piedmont Monkey Federation, Amerio – Expo Osaka 2025: Presentation of the Italian Pavilion in Bergamo – World Trade Organization: in Geneva, Annual General Forum of the World Trade Organization (until September 15) – United States of America: Apple iPhone 15 launches with a USB-C charger at the request of the European Union

– United States of America: The start of the lawsuit filed by the United States against Google due to its dominance of its search engine – Britain: The unemployment rate in the International Labor Organization, July – Britain: Average wages, July

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– Spain: Final annual inflation, early August. – Germany: ZEW Index, September

Wednesday 13 September

– Statistics: Labor Market, Second Quarter. Government Bonds: Auction of 3, 7 and 30 year BTP bonds with a total amount of 9.75 billion. 11:00 am is the deadline for submitting applications.

– Transition: A press conference at the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security to present the Sapienza report on “Drought, Car Mobility, Green Homes.” With Minister Gilberto Picetto Frattin

– Environment: Press conference in the Senate to present the 17th edition of RemTech Expo, the environmental technology center specialized in pivotal topics such as rehabilitation, regeneration and multi-relocation for the development of the third millennium of the Ferrara Fiere Group. With Alessandro Morelli, Senator and Undersecretary of the Council of Ministers, responsible for coordinating economic policy and public investment planning; Silvia Paparella, General Director of Ferrara Expo, and General Director of the RemTech Expo Center for Environmental Technology; Gilberto Picito Frattin, Minister of the Environment and Energy Security; Eduardo Rixi, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Mobility.

– T-Tech: At the Italian Ministry of Business and Industry, the crisis table of the former Whirlpool Naples company, with representatives of enterprises, the company and the unions – Labor: In Rome, the conference “The Meaning of Work Today”, organized by the Dependency Foundation and Unioncamere. With Renato Brunetta, President of Cnel; Andrea Preti, President of Unioncamere

– Banks: In Milan, at Cattolica, presentation of the volume “Advanced Banking Management” by Elena Beccali and Victor Mascia.

With the authors and President of the Association for the Development of Banking and Stock Exchange Studies Gregory; Gopi of the Bank of Italy; Abi Sabatini’s boss

– Advertising Store: 30 years press conference in Milan – Companies: In Monteriggioni (SI), opening of the Diesse Biotechnology Park “People, Planet, Prosperity”. With Confindustria Vice President of Supply Chains and Medium Enterprises – Confindustria: Confindustria Mantua “Attractions” complex in Mantua. With Alberto Marenghi, Confindustria Vice President for Regulatory, Development and Marketing – EU: European Commission President von der Leyen delivers State of the Union 2023 address – Great Britain: Industrial Production Monthly, July – Britain: Trade Balancing, July

Eurozone: industrial production, July. – USA: Inflation, August

– Artificial Intelligence: In Washington, Senate Leader Schumer is hosting Tesla’s Musk, Meta’s Zuckerberg, and OpenAI’s Altman to discuss artificial intelligence.

Thursday 14 September

– Federmeccanica: Presentation of Economic Survey No. 167 in Rome, “Quarterly The Voice of Companies.”

“In the heart of the country”

– Sea: In Trieste, the Forum “Marine Resources. Competitiveness, Sustainability and Attractiveness of the Marine Supply Chain”, organized by the European House – Ambrosetti. With Ministers Luca Sirianni, Nello Mussomeci, Gilberto Bechetto Frattin, Adolfo Orso, Andrea Abudi, Francesco Lollobrigida (also in the Office and Fashion” (Purgatorio VI, v. 146), organized by the Cassa di Risparmio di Ravenna Foundation. With the Director General of the Bank of Italy Luigi Federico Signorini and the President of the Abbey Bank Antonio Batelli

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– Air transport: a table on the sector in the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy

Work: In Rome, Federvary Association “How to Rethink Work Scale”. With Maurizio Sterpi, Vice-President of the Confederation of Industries for Labor and Industrial Relations – Energy: in Rome, the 48th Animp-Uami Conference “Water and Energy: New Scenarios for the Engineering of Italian Industrial Plants”. with Riccardo Di Stefano, Vice President of Confindustria and President of GI Confindustria; Giovanni Brugnoli, Confindustria Vice President for Human Capital – European Central Bank: Governing Council meeting in Frankfurt. The press conference of President Christine Lagarde follows – Energy: In Copenhagen, European Commission President von der Leyen inaugurated the first Maersk tanker powered by biomethanol.

– Japan: Machinery Orders, July – Japan: Final Industrial Production, July – USA: Weekly Support Claims – USA: Producer Prices, August

USA: retail sales for the month of August

Friday 15 September

– Istat: releases inflation data, August – Istat: foreign trade and import prices, July – Confindustria: 2023 meeting in Rome with President Carlo Boomi

– Consop: In Rome, Lectio Magistralis to President Paolo Savona on “the eternal conflict between state and market”. – The sea: in Trieste, the conclusion of the “Marine Resources” forum.

Competitiveness, sustainability and attractiveness of the maritime supply chain”, organized by the European House – Ambrosetti. With Ministers Musumeci and Tajani and Deputy Minister Rixi-Edison: Inauguration of the new hydroelectric power station in Coasolo (Turin)

– Real Estate: in Rapallo (Genoa), 31st Real Estate Scenarios Forum, “The City We Want – The City We Wanted (until the 16th) – European Union: in Santiago de Compostela, Eurogroup meeting (until the 16th)

– Campello Giovanni: closing ceremony in Venice, with Riccardo Di Stefano, Vice President of Confindustria and President of GI


– Innovation: In Havana, the G77-China Summit on Science, Technology and Development. With UN Secretary-General António Guterres (until 16th)

France: Final Inflation, August

– Ecofin: two-day informal meeting in Santiago de Compostela (Spain), with the Minister of Economy, Giancarlo Giorgetti.

Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank, is expected to speak – USA: 15th anniversary of the failure of Lehman Brothers, which led to the global financial crisis – USA: Empire Manufacturing Index, September – USA: Production capacity utilization, August – USA: Industrial Production August

– USA: Preliminary Household Confidence Report (Michigan), September. China: retail sales, August

China: industrial production, August

– USA: Business Inventories, July.

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