The Dalai Lama recognizes a Mongolian child born in the United States among his reincarnations – Ultima Ura

The Dalai Lama recognizes a Mongolian child born in the United States among his reincarnations – Ultima Ura

(ANSA) – NEW DELHI, March 28 – The Dala Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism, admitted a child during three days of teachings to a community of Tibetans of Mongolian descent in Dharamsala, the Indian city where he lives as a refugee. Eight years, as the reincarnation of the last great Tibetan master from Mongolia.

The Hindustan Times writes that the child had already been “consecrated” in the Tibetan monastery of Gandan, in the Mongolian capital of Ulaanbaatar, before being presented to the Dalai Lama who accepted him as the tenth reincarnation of Rinpoche, the Mongolian (revered teacher) Khalkha Jetsun Dampa. The child, whose identity has not been revealed, was born in the United States as the son of a wealthy Mongolian businessman.

However, the acknowledgment does not translate into a possible succession designation for the Dalai Lama who, now on the threshold of 88 years, has repeatedly stated that he has not yet decided whether or not to indicate who to leave the spiritual guide. And if this happens, then in the international community of Tibetan Buddhism there are at least a thousand lamas, or teachers, who are recognized as reincarnations of former spiritual leaders. Recognition that takes place thanks to the signs they give themselves or through signs of oracles or people close to them.

However, the recognition of the child has political significance, as it aims to revitalize the presence of Tibetan Buddhism in the Asian country “sandwiched” between Russia and China, where King Altan Khan, who converted to Buddhism, in the sixteenth century, granted the title of Dalai Lama (Ocean of Wisdom) to a master Gelugpa Sonam Gyatso, Third Exponent of the Mongolian Lineage.

Related Mongolian lamas had not been identified for some time and the lineage was in danger of being interrupted: the identification of the young child is yet another provocation in an anti-Chinese key by the aging Tibetan spiritual leader who, from his exile in India, has not stopped fighting for his country occupied by Beijing for a year 1950. (handle).

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