The central government freezes dialogue with Junts while waiting for Puigdemont

The central government freezes dialogue with Junts while waiting for Puigdemont

The central government insists that negotiations on investment in Catalonia will be conducted only by the Peace and Security Council, but considers that the entire process will be headed by “calm”. Firstly, in connection with the impending European election campaign on June 9th. And after that, because Parliament will not be formed until one day later: the tenth of next month. This same absence of urgency Moncloa also applies to his relations with the Catalan government and the Junts, frozen since then. Peter Aragones Declare electoral progress.

“There are things that don’t stick”

Sources in the central executive authority explained that, in principle, they do not expect to hold dialogue table meetings with the government until after the summer. There are no new appointments in Geneva (Switzerland) with the post-convergence followers, who, like the Republicans, are indispensable for the central government to approve its initiatives in the Chamber of Deputies.

The reason is similar in both cases and is related to the results of the Catalan elections. Pedro Sánchez’s collaborators point out that it would be more “logical” to keep relations on hold until the ruling scenario is “clarified” and “wait to see who the other interlocutors will be.”

Carles Puigdemont He announced that he would leave the first political line if he did not succeed in assuming the position of state president. According to Moncloa, the movements of the de facto leader of the Junts have no recourse until the PSC, despite having won the elections very clearly last Sunday, abstains from the vote and allows his return to the Palau de la Generalitat. “There are issues that do not stand up. No one buys them. The Catalans have spoken with profound clarity,” the central government spokeswoman, Pilar Alegría, noted yesterday after the Cabinet. The Executive therefore first wants to know whether Puigdemont is fulfilling his commitment, while being convinced that the First Secretary of the Commission on Peace and Security, Salvador EllaHe will be the new president.

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Regarding the dialogue table between the central executive authority and the Catalan government, since the latter is in power, they in Moncloa consider that there is no point in new meetings at the present time. But the Socialists expect this space, which was established recently at the request of the Equity and Reconciliation Commission, to continue if the former Minister of Health obtains the position.

In Moncloa they insist that governance in Catalonia will not interfere with legislative power. That is, in its relationships with Junts and ERC. The central government realizes that last Sunday’s results are indisputable. Alegria said: “We must now listen to this clear message sent by the citizens demanding the opening of a new phase.” Without delving into the evaluation of the post-election agreements, but implying that the only alternative is through ILA and the PSC, the central government spokesperson denied any break with the investment partners because the PLC will be implemented. “There will be a government in Catalonia and another three years of legislative power in Spain,” he said.

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