The Bomb and the Poison – Libero Quotidiano

The Bomb and the Poison – Libero Quotidiano

Although weeks have passed since the final, Dancing with the stars Still argue. Cooperates in long distance fights between Wild Lucarelli And Luisella Costamagna. The first challenged the second for the victory, which came after a surprising replay. The second refers to the regulation, which always stipulated that a withdrawn or disqualified competitor would return to the Rai 1 stage. Result? Rain who listens. And this is not just given that talent Millie Carlucci On everyone’s lips. the binding, In the Saturday, January 7th edition, take a look at the winning journalist dance.

“With a certain frankness – he writes ironically Andrea Minoz – , Luisella Costamagna says she participated in Dancing with the stars to dance. It is like you say go to chef for cooking orFamous Island To learn how to open a coconut.” Former host of agora Indeed, he put his hands up, explaining that “the last thing that interested me was controversy. Now I discover that for some it is not a game, but a war, and dancing does not matter and the main thing is controversy.” In short, Costamagna has discovered hot water. Hence Minoz’ jab: “After nearly thirty years of television, an apprenticeship with… Michael SantoroDifferent software leads thanks dance With the stars Costamagna discovers the algorithm of television, the rule of modern behavior, reality, talent.

Meanwhile, Carlucci intervenes in the storm raised by Lucarelli. The presenter specified that “the fact that arguments arise within the jury just goes to show how free the five jurors are for their expression Their thinking without filters. Did you notice that they don’t have headphones like many other talent shows? Nobody can fly them. We wanted all five of them for their strong personalities and because they always say what they really think.” So controversy is welcome.

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