The blockage of justice makes Spain fall one place in the concept of corruption

The blockage of justice makes Spain fall one place in the concept of corruption
Catalonia Press Judge Viscvaja
Photo: Europe Press

to' Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) Which clarifies every year Transparency International It remains practically unchanged, and there are already 12 consecutive exercises of stability in the global statistics, but in the case of Western Europe and the European Union, the result falls for the first time in a decade, although it remains in the high area outside the table.

The global average for public confidence in their authorities remains at 43 points out of 100, although more than two-thirds of countries exceed 50 points. Denmark, with a score of 90 points, is at the top of this report again (for the sixth year in 2018). row), along with Finland, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, Sweden and Switzerland, all over 80 years of age.

Somalia closed the list with eleven points, and Venezuela, Syria and South Sudan each tied with 13 points. These countries coincide in long-term crises, although the Venezuelan case is particularly typical because its scores have already reached historic lows, in a crucial year for Venezuela. The upcoming presidential elections.

Transparency is also minimal in unitary democracies such as Sweden, the Netherlands, Iceland, and the United Kingdom; In the last case, he dropped six points in just one match, to 71.

The bloc of countries that make up Western Europe and the European Union fell in global terms for the first time in a decade, to an average of 65 points, although the region remains at the top globally. Anti-corruption efforts have stagnated or declined in three-quarters of the countries in this group, and according to Transparency, “the erosion of political integrity is contributing to waning public confidence in countries’ ability to address the challenges the region faces today.”

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Spain remained unchanged at 60 points, although it fell one place compared to the 2023 report and four places when compared to the 2020 report. According to the opinion of the NGO, this stagnation “highlights the difficulties in what public policies in Spain we still have to improve in preventing and combating corruption.” “..


Among the global recommendations proposed by Transparency International to improve anti-corruption work is maintaining independent, transparent and well-resourced institutions and judicial bodies, among other issues that prevent abuse of political power, bribery or other forms of corruption from influencing society. Justice system.

Transparency International highlighted that Ukraine, with a score of 36 points, has moved up eleven consecutive upward exercises despite the challenges posed by Russia's war of aggression, as the Ukrainian authorities have continued to undertake reforms in the judicial system and strengthen, among other things, institutional capacity. The body responsible for adjudicating corruption cases, although the NGO still considers the large number of cases discovered “worrying.”

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