The American Mission of Governor Fedriga

The American Mission of Governor Fedriga

Governor and Chairman of the Conference of the Autonomous Communities and Provinces, Maximilian FedrigaYesterday in Washington, a series of meetings were held with important institutional and private entities in the economic and financial sector operating in the American capital. The governor was accompanied during various appointments by the Italian ambassador. mariangela Zabiawho had a friendly chat with him.

The governor then met with representatives of the Italian-American Chamber of Commerce and representatives of state-owned companies operating in the United States, and concluded the agenda with digital and high-end players potentially interested in investing in Friuli Venezia Giulia.

To all the interlocutors, the main advocate of the Regional Council explained how the region is committed to promoting and implementing strategic policies aimed at encouraging the attraction of foreign investments in accordance with the professions of the Territory (in itself directed to research and innovation) and the internationalization of companies, above all to developing operational channels through which opportunities for stability can be enhanced in Fvg. This also happens thanks to the coordinating work of the Conference of Autonomous Regions and Provinces and the relationship between this and the individual regions and central departments within the Ministerial Committee for Attracting Foreign Investments (CAIE).

Finally, Fedriga noted that with the start of the new programming cycle of European funds and, in particular, as the implementation of the NRP continues, a new strategic and operational scenario for the regions has opened, full of inseparable opportunities and responsibilities.

He concluded that this is an exceptional opportunity for development, investment and reforms to strengthen the production system, modernize public administration and operate real regulatory simplification that encourages the attraction of foreign investment.

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“I would like to announce that, as a conference of autonomous regions and provinces, we are organizing an event at the beginning of 2023 in Trieste dedicated to attracting foreign investment – which we would like to become an annual event in turn held in the various Italian regions – during which we will dedicate a working session to the Transatlantic Investment Commission and to actions Which will be jointly developed at the forefront of joint strategic investments in the industrial, technological, research and training fields,” the Governor during the first meeting of the Transatlantic Investment Committee on American soil. The meeting was organized after the presentation of the committee at the national level last July 20 in Rome, in the Senate of the Republic, and at the European level in Brussels last September 28.

Tic was born on the initiative of the Amerigo Association, the American Chamber of Commerce – Italy, Centro Studi Americani and Federmanager, closely related and sponsored by the Embassy of Italy. As Fedriga explained, the choice of Trieste as the venue for the event to be held next year, as a guarantee for the annual Festival of the Regions, was taken “not because Trieste is the capital of the region which I have the honor to preside, but above all because at this special stage and thanks to its location and history, it can represent The point at which Euro-Atlantic cooperation is strengthened, as well as reinterpreted by the joint creation of an international context for growth, development and interaction, for example in the field of innovative start-ups.”

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“In this context – Fedriga emphasized – we look with interest at ICT activities as a whole and, in particular, at the idea of ​​creating a transatlantic fund dedicated to expanding investments with attention to issues of digital energy, clean technology and space, all this, among other things, in line with Strict with what provinces are currently doing with Structural Funds.

“Similarly – he continued – another potential area of ​​cooperation is related to ICT activity with reference to the launch of transatlantic training courses for managers and entrepreneurs with universities, and in this regard, one could consider defining training courses more targeted to these issues and targeting the ruling class in the regions that sees the participation of a broader audience than universities.”

The Governor also noted how the provinces have defined their regional development strategies by equipping themselves with more effective policy tools to meet the additional challenges posed by digital industrial transformation and the environment, which nevertheless require a business model capable of promoting and implementing actions, programmes, research and innovation projects of a strong common character. between sectors.

“It is a question – he said – of building innovation ecosystems characterized by technological development scenarios that are strongly characterized by the interconnectedness and contamination of knowledge that is increasingly indispensable for developing innovative applications, through the close interaction and synergy of all components: institutions, companies, research infrastructures and technology transfer universities, education and training system.

“This model, linked to innovation and the ability to experiment, protects the integrity of the supply chains that – and seal – are an essential node within an organic and structured development system.”

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