Telepass, the monopoly is over. UnipolSai Traffic Toll Booth Arrival

Telepass, the monopoly is over.  UnipolSai Traffic Toll Booth Arrival

Rome Unipol Challenge Telepass The launch of the first full-scale alternative to the yellow and gray box that allows you to pass toll booths on the highway without stopping to pay tolls. New Device Launch – Renamed Unipol Move Breaking the monopoly of a quarter of a century on the one hand TelepassSet up by the Autostrade Group in 1997 and controlled by Atlantia, the Benetton family’s holding company, 51%, and 49% by Partners Group.

The timing of the initiative could not be better than seven million customers Telepass The letter in which the electronic fee company announces an increase of 0.57 euros per month over Telepass beds, which brings the annual cost close to €22, and €0.28 per month for the additional device (dual option). The alternative offered by Unipol, free for the first six months, costs 1 euro per month, almost half Telepass.

“We are the first operator to achieve certification with the new European regulation for the European Electronic Toll Service. Thus, thanks to the 10 million car insurance customers we can offer the product to, we have entered a market that until yesterday was not ‘alternatives’,” says Ma After insurance at UnipolSai, Giacomo Lovati.

end of monopoly Telepass It has been approved by European Directive 2019/520 on the interoperability of electronic highway toll systems, implemented in Italy by Legislative Decree No. 153 of November 5, 2021. Currently the only alternative to Telepassbut only for heavy vehicles, was represented by the system developed by Dkv.

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UnipolMove, which the Bolognese Group has been working on for more than a year, is another step in the mobility services expansion strategy, with Unipol already working in roadside assistance, maintenance And direct damage repair, in the long-term rental and online sale of used vehicles.

In addition to lifting rods Highway toll boothsUnipolMove will make it possible to pay fines, car taxes, parking, LTZ and refueling.

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