‘Tax Traffic Jam’ is coming: Here are all the taxes to pay

‘Tax Traffic Jam’ is coming: Here are all the taxes to pay

The second part of November will be difficult for companies and the self-employed: tax He will answer 69 billion euros taxes Derived from the deadlines to be paid between 16 and 30. This is the estimate of the CGIA Studies Office in Mestre that placed document Where the bloodshed to be faced is explained in detail.

Taxes and costs

especially Business You will have to pay 19 billion in value-added tax, 16.2 billion in Eris (corporate income tax), 12.5 billion in withholding taxes in respect of employees and collaborators, but also 10.9 billion in VAT (a regional tax on productive activities), and there will be Also 7.3 billion euros in income tax for employees as well as 1.2 billion euros in withholding taxes on professional wages. In short, not exactly a healthy walk. “Given the scale of revenue, many businesses will have many problems getting around this flurry of tax deadlines without being affected.” Explanation of the assembly. Due to the cost of energy, some companies are experiencing difficulty and in a few weeks they will have to decide whether to continue to operate or make tougher decisions.

Payment schedule

Among the many dates that must be marked on the calendar, two are considered the most important. The November 16 It is the day designated for periodic payments. as he explains tables, 111 payments are expected that day including Irpef, Ires, Irap, provincial and municipal surcharges, moral tax, Tobin tax, value-added tax, withholding tax and alternative tax. day November 30Instead, the income form Pf, which is Irpef’s second advance on the income tax return, will be filed, but the Lipe (periodic VAT payments) for the third quarter of this year will also expire in addition to the self-declaration of state assistance.

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‘The worst bureaucracy in Europe’

Our tax bureaucracy is the worst in Europe. In addition to having one of the highest tax burdens in Europe, Italy, along with Portugal, is the country where it is difficult to pay taxes, especially for companies, ” is the cry of CGIA. In fact, the latest statistics from the World Bank tell us that our entrepreneurs “lose” 30 days a year (238 working hours) just to calculate the taxes to be paid, to make tax returns which are then sent to the financial department but you can also make various payments online or by the competent authorities. In other countries such as France, Spain and Germany, this work is carried out in much shorter times and the EU averages 147 hours and 18 days, practically just over half the time it takes in Italy.

What will happen in December

The bloodshed, however, will not only be for the penultimate month of the year: A Dec The taxes to be paid will not be exceeded because they will be paid.”Social security contributions, welfare contributions and personal income taxes for its employees and collaborators. They will also have to pay the Alternative Tax Deposit on Income from Revaluation of End of Service Benefit, IMO Balance in Warehouses, Offices and Stores and VAT for the month of November, provided they are monthly taxpayers.‘, the CGIA report reads.

What happens to those who don’t pay?

Those who do not meet these deadlines will have to pay a fine of 1% of the total amounts.”Payable to the tax authorities for each day of delay by the fifteenth of the deadline.”. This percentage will increase to 15%.Payment is made within 90 days of the deadlineWhoever does not pay or will do so after three months (90 days) of the conditions stipulated in the law, will have to pay a fine of 30%. In order to reduce the amounts of fines, the entrepreneur will be able to take advantage of “industrious repentance” but only If all of the unpaid amount is paid with the reduced fine with interest.

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