Stop the Hot Chips Challenge, Hot Chips are no longer on sale

Stop the Hot Chips Challenge, Hot Chips are no longer on sale

Stop selling the overly spicy potato chip used to record and share social challenges, especially on TikTok. Italian distributor Hot Slide Challenge, nachos sold in a symbolic coffin-shaped package, led to sales being suspended. Away from the market after the investigation conducted by the Ministry of Health and Nas, as reported Republicantitrust investigation.

First of all, the consumer associations that fought against the Hot Chip company rejoiced, saying: “Victory!” “The sale of the potato chip was suspended and the potato chip was removed from the price lists of Italian distributors,” declared the president of the National Federation of Consumers. Massimiliano Donna.

The story, from the report to the beginning of the action to its end, was rapid. As mentioned, in the end it was the same distributor in Italy to challenge the Hot Chip – a chip produced by a company in the Czech Republic – in his defense note, which announced that it had stopped selling the product, removed the product from price lists and advertising in all media.

Donna continues: “We can only express our satisfaction with this result, which protects the health and safety of consumers, especially the most fragile and vulnerable such as minors and teenagers. The reference to challenge, i.e. challenge, was in fact a means of increasing the attractiveness of the product, leading children to neglect the ordinary rules of prudence and vigilance.”

“Naturally, the Antitrust Authority decided not to take any precautionary measures,” Donna concludes.

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