SPY FINANZA / Thanks to the United States, the sale of Italy can begin

SPY FINANZA / Thanks to the United States, the sale of Italy can begin

Honestly, what happens does not matter. What is important is the conditions in which he arrived redde rationem Senate. They remain like scars. Like the scarlet letter. Like a stigma. Mario Draghi was never the head of the council of this country, he was only its guarantor. And it may remain so, albeit a lame duck and with the troops – these yes, unlike the Russian army – in a mode of rebellion and desertion from a perpetual election campaign.

Just as Beppe Grillo ensured the M5S doctrine among citizens, Mario Draghi secured the Italian debt to the European Union. a point. Otherwise, please mention the two actions taken by the executive branch that he heads which eventually revolutionized the country. Nothing more than an endless series of tips and imperfections, the legitimate daughters of the Ukrainian emergency that has gripped the Covid situation without interruption.

Now, another change for the lady on the dance floor: the war no longer matters to anyone, given the exorbitant cost in terms of energy it imposes, it reverts to the already enhanced and effective mode Virus emergency. Vaccination centers reopened, infection and death flyers returned. In short, we are preparing for the fall closing. When, otherwise, half of Europe will end up with perfect squares. Of people unwilling to drink other promises. Vladimir Putin should have jumped, Boris Johnson and Mario Draghi instead. staunch enemies. Doesn’t that make you think? And even the complaints of the forced allies of the Five Stars and the annoying middle dust in hard training compared to the irresponsibility of Conte’s gesture are nothing more than another proof of hypocrisy: they are not afraid of taking over Italy, they are afraid of something else. We also ended up with the five-star-hit spreads and stock markets: the spread is now only alive with reinvestment of ECB securities, and Piazza Avary has been in the red for three weeks now. What are you afraid of then?

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First, the lightning rod fails at Palazzo Chigi. Second, the fact that people are now stopping and thinking and realizing the air void in which the political work of the past year and a half has been demonstrated, PNRR’s Panzer is in the head. Third, the horror that the same citizens/voters will notice is that even without Mario Draghi in charge, the sun will rise and set the same. Because Europe is torn, gentlemen. And although Germany and France would certainly be inclined to direct the cross of the fabled markets towards Rome, just to avoid ending up with them, the overall circumstances did not allow them to take excessive risks. Berlin faces its toughest test for reunification, and the French parliament following the legislation has just delivered its first resounding slap in the face to Macron over the extension of the Green Corridor.

The atmosphere has changed because the crisis is now outside the window. It is no longer on the radar. Dutch A few days ago, thousands of tractors paralyzed the country’s roads as farmers protested the new livestock quota law. A grave and imminent danger to the country’s social stability. In France, Emmanuel Macron is held hostage by an association that completely opposes him.

There is no point in shouting scandal: while the people voted in Portugal and France and in more than one German land, they could also vote in Italy. It’s democracy, my love! Which we think, in words, is so non-negotiable that we are literally reduced to gas in relations with Moscow because of the desire to arm Kyiv. All in the name of a thousand A proxy war American. Which works great for reducing the size of the European Union as a trade competitor. Boris Johnson is at home, Mario Draghi is a victim of political iconoclasm and King Midas is no longer, Olaf Schulz is in so much trouble that he is temptedCucumber Canosa To Moscow, Emmanuel Macron is lame, Pedro Sanchez is forced to pay for the train for three months for the citizens to avoid riots and early voting and Mark Rutte with the country paralyzed by angry peasants: shouldn’t Vladimir Putin be the one having difficulty?

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Of course, to follow the Boeotians playbook The White House and the State Department, yes. It is unfortunate that you are now paying the bill for this choice. America is relatively calm: with Inflation at 9.1%Futures contracts are priced at a 50% chance, up 100 basis points in two weeks. At that point, he’ll get over it all. Exactly what the Fed, which needs to halt normalization immediately after the summer, wants to get to the midterm vote as markets cheerfully celebrate the upcoming new stimulus. How many other scams will we have to allow ourselves to cut backFriend An American before realizing that his only goal is to protect his interests at any cost?

Not surprisingly, having felt this moment, Gazprom has already reported that it is unable to guarantee Nordstream’s work after ongoing maintenance. Translated, from July 22 the real disaster begins. Exactly as I wrote yesterday. Was it worth it? Glad you waved your yellow and blue flag and puffed up your chest for stylish videos Netflix by Zelensky? Well done, now go to the orchard near the house and find firewood for the winter. Because only US LNG and Algerian gas are needed to light the torch and make coffee, according to Nomisma Energia and Enea. Both pro-Kremlin associations are very dangerous.

That’s it, Washington’s masterpiece done. Vladimir Putin is firmly in place, bolstered by sanctions, increasingly linked to China and India and as angry as a bear touching his cubs in Europe. And worst of all, to constantly put your hand on the faucet of Gazprom. Exactly what’s appropriate in Washington, perhaps given the pleasant discount shopping in the fall. Look at the valuations of the so-called big names in the stock market these days, starting with Saipem. We are literally in the country selling.

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Five star error? A case reminiscent of the prophecy of Francesco Cossiga, for those who have a sufficiently long memory and the minimum wage of political dignity. Meanwhile, the Russian army went so far that if it wanted to, it would be in Gdansk in three days. Was it worth it, given the nightmare we’re falling into? In fact, we already live. And do you want further evidence of what I have always told you that is manifesting itself today before your eyes, in the form of news and no longer an expectation? Look at this picture, it shows us how China can care about removing the euro from the shoals of parity with the dollar, at least according to the relationship between the real growth of the M1 money supply for the dragon and the manufacturing PMI for the eurozone, which is an indicator of economic growth.

Don’t you want to become dependent on a freedom-killing regime like China’s and continue with the power of the Kremlin’s tyranny? Best wishes, please continue to trust false liberal friends. In fact, the results so far have been excellent. And if you meet your heroine Greta, thank her for creating the conditions for this disaster.

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