Some stores are even giving it away –

Some stores are even giving it away –

fall of BabylonAs we have already reported, the servers will be shutting down and as a result GameStop USA has started removing the game from stores. Now, however, we find that some stores are listed Giving the game to anyone who asks for itBecause it no longer has any value.

through some Twitter Reportswhich arrived in response to the Cheap Ass Gamer account, users report that they tried asking their GameStop in the area if it was possible to take a copy (or more) of Babylon Fall home and the answer seems to have been positive.

At the same time, there are users who claim that after asking, they were told that all copies had already been submitted or that this particular site was not abandoning the game. So it looks like one Selection of individual employees/managers, instead of routing the entire string. Moreover, the reports are coming from abroad, so we don’t know how it is being handled in Italy.

fall of Babylon It’s been a failure since D1. The game from Square Enix and Platinum Games got very negative reviews and the number of players on PC dropped drastically, until it got to one user at one point: being a game focused on online co-op, it’s not good.

Finally, we leave you with the details of shutting down Babylon’s Fall server.

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