Solino admits: “I was with Jorginho! A friend threatens me and says the exact words”

Solino admits: “I was with Jorginho! A friend threatens me and says the exact words”

Solino admits: I was with Jorginho!  The friend threatened me and said the exact words |  video

Paula Solino Jorginho’s Love Story: The Hot Story

Napoli football Resounding scoop: Hey Jorginho The football player who had a love story with him Paula Solino. It was Napoli who came out right, revealing the hot background of her relationship with the current Chelsea and Italy international.

The bomb was dropped before Milan and Chelsea Champions League, when the showgirl posted a screenshot where you can read a spree from the current Brazil-Italian girlfriend up to real threats like “I’m coming to take you home”.

“The horns are bad for your health”, was Saulino’s comment on social networks. The relationship with the former Naples, in fact, took place during The athlete was actually engaged.

Paola Saulino-Jorginho’s love story, the hot story

“We met at a party in a villa and he didn’t take his eyes off me that night. We had a great night, then we went to the disco and had a drink. He started kissing me in front of everyone all the time, and I loved it”he told the Daily Star.

still: Then we had sex in the car until some friends showed up. For the next few days she would ask me for nude pictures every day and I loved doing it. I also sent them in the middle of the night so that I could see them as soon as I woke up….”

However it ended badly: “He used me and cheated on his girlfriend. When I met him again, his agent suddenly rejected me and wiped me off the phone. Suddenly, what kind of guy is he?”

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The 32-year-old also spoke about it live on Radio 24. Click play below to hear the interview. has been selected by the new Google service, if you want to be up to date with the latest news, follow us on Google News

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