Up to approximately four and a half minutes without the sunIts light, its heat. Complete darkness. This happens on April 8 withTotal solar eclipseIt is a phenomenon that occurs when the moon passes between the Earth and the sun, blocking the disk of the sun from those who view it from Earth. An eclipse allows you to observe the solar corona, which is the outer circle of the sun not completely covered by the moon, and observe the stars in the sky during the day. It is a very rare event, and can only be observed in some parts of the world. This time the lucky ones are between Central and North America.
Solar eclipse 2019
In the United States they call it The Great American Eclipse With a lot of Custom website. The eclipse will begin in the Pacific Ocean and pass through Mexico. In Mazatlan the sky will darken at noon. Gateway, a conscious eclipse festival, is scheduled to be held here from April 5 to 9.
It will then rise from Texas on its way northeast, crossing more than 10 states (Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine) to reach Canada. (Niagara Falls is the best point) and the North Atlantic Ocean. This eclipse, weather permitting, will be visible in one of the most densely populated regions of the world and occurs at the moment of maximum activity of our star.
“This will be the most densely populated eclipse in the United States, as 31.5 million people will be able to leave their homes and experience this event,” said Kelly Couric, NASA's eclipse program manager. Many others are approaching the places where the total eclipse can be seen, a mass movement that raises concerns among local authorities. Many of them have closed access to countries. Among the cities affected are Austin, Dallas, Waco, Fort Worth, Indianapolis, Cleveland, and Buffalo.
Those who choose to view the eclipse from the porthole should choose three flights: Flight 1252, which departs Dallas at 12:45, arriving in Pittsburgh, 1721, which departs Austin at 12:50, arriving in Indianapolis, and 1910, which departs Austin at 1:20 p.m. Louis to Houston.
For those who prefer nature, the eclipse can be viewed from Hot Springs National Parks, Cuyahoga Valley National Park, near Cleveland, and especially from Niagara Falls. Niagara Falls State Park offers non-stop tours and programs with NASA experts. There is an emergency here because there are expected to be too many visitors.
In some places, the total eclipse will last for up to 4 minutes and 28 seconds. In the previous version in 2017, it reached two and a half minutes. The event will start at 3.42pm UTC (Greenwich Mean Time) which will be 5.42pm in Italy. The maximum point of the eclipse will be reached at 8 pm and 5 pm and will end at 10.52 pm Italian time.
the glasses
To look at the sun, you should wear solar eclipse glasses with specialized lenses to prevent radiation from reaching your eyes. It has filters that are at least 1000 times darker than classic sunglasses and blocks harmful UVA, UVB and IR rays.
In addition to darkness, during a total solar eclipse, you can feel Fredo. Tides may also be affected. Nova Scotia's Bay of Fundy has one of the highest tides in the world, and the view may be even more dramatic than usual.
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