Shocking frost in America, does it reach Italy too? Let’s explain »

Shocking frost in America, does it reach Italy too?  Let’s explain »
Shocking frost in America, does it reach Italy too?  Let’s explain »ILMETEO.itAmerica: Historic Frost! Do you also come to Italy?In the past few days between Canada And the United States of America They fell Frost shock And storms Snow logAs we grapple with an African mild and anomalous hurricane.
A mass of frozen air, which descends directly from the North Pole, has descended in latitude, destabilizing weather and climatic conditions in Canada and then in most of the United States of America. Temperatures subsided within hours over states such as MontanaAnd the WyomingAnd the DakotaAnd the NebraskaAnd the Minnesota And the Yesfrom positive values ​​of a few degrees to peaks of -25/-30°C with winds and blizzards.
But will this arctic cold that hit North America also reach Europe and Italy? Today we want to clarify this point.

Some recent studies have highlighted how some phenomena (even extreme ones) that occur in North America, within a few weeks could also occur in Europe, or rather in Eurasia. To better understand the causes, we must turn our gaze to high polar latitudes and analyze their behavior The polar vortex: technically speaking we are talking about splitting (splitting/breaking) the vortex itself. Imagine it as a file sandwich or a hamburger which are crushed and from which the components exit (in this case the very cold polar currents): these air masses, after their exit, are fragmented (divided) in an almost random way towards the southern latitudes and can therefore end on one side (America) or on the other ( Eurasia). In this case, North America was hit, but the same thing, according to this theory, could also happen to Europe or Eurasia, perhaps with a delay of a few weeks.

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But then, will this bitter cold also reach Italy? Although the above theory, although it has sometimes been verified, in reality it has not always been proven to be valid. There is no certainty. Moreover, even if it happened at this juncture, it is not certain that the hail would be able to reach the Mediterranean basin and thus to Italy.

Currently, in Europe, we are experiencing really anomalous weather conditions, up to 5/10°C higher than normal. It all goes with theories Global Warming Due to an increase in carbon dioxide, which in turn causes it human activities (emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere mainly due to combustion of fossil fuels); In fact, every season we record a steady increase in average temperatures.
So what is happening in North America goes to refute this thesis? The answer is no. First, we can say that it is not possible to correlate a single weather event with ongoing climate change. Secondly, a reflection that is by no means trivial emerges: Global warming existsAnd the But events of this kind seem to appear not to operate uniformly across the planet.

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