The facts are similar to a typical Italian story, a comedy that often leads to the Theater of the Absurd by Ionesco, the same one who said that “intermittence is precisely the weakness of man.” This is what happened in these days of uneasy harmony between politics and science.
One day in … a province with Anas, law enforcement authorities, and delegations (for information) of the mayors of Locrid, it was decided to close the main road connecting the Ionian region with the Tyrrhenian for “necessary” works for the purposes of “guaranteeing the safety of the citizens”, of May 15th to July 27th. Bad news, definitely a godsend for tourism considering that much of the summer can be compromised. But no, after a few hours a member of Calabria intervened, a member of the Calabrian Regional Council named Calabrese (ex-mayor of Locri) who avoided closing in the aforementioned period for the works to be done inside the “Torpedo” tunnel between the intersections della Limina and Mammola, we are talking about a tunnel It is therefore particularly sensitive from a structural point of view and therefore subject to constant maintenance, also due to the structural location that is always vulnerable to water infiltration in this way. So much so that even in other periods this road was closed at night to carry out works such as ventilation inside it. A member of the Council of Calabria whose name is Calabrese postpones everything until September. On the other hand, the “compensations” by which the world and the world are always made in September (sic!). But together with the Chancellor of Calabria who is Calabrese by name, and other politicians such as Dem Nicola Erto who is Calabrian, but he does not mention Calabrese, but it is Erto who declares a question to the government (not pork rinds), the truth is that after a series of ” Discontent” including Confcomercio that “scares traders”, the road will be maintained in September. Anas also mentioned in an official note that “in order to ensure traffic safety, the feasibility will be ensured by carrying out temporary works,” but Anas also writes about “important maintenance work,” but that at the same time “maintenance work continues in the Torpedo Tunnel between Limina and Mamola crossroads. What was understood was that the works were ‘significant’, that they involved ‘extraordinary maintenance’, and that there was talk of ensuring safety and trading with ‘temporary works’ until September when the road section would be closed for a ‘no’ period. less than 70 days.”
It is natural for any citizen of common sense to automatically ask the question or questions, but if there was a meeting in the province and on that occasion there was talk of closing in the summer, they obviously knew that summer was coming, they did not. they? And if they decide to close, the work to be done is of fundamental importance, right? And if these works must be carried out to ensure the safety and vitality of travelers along it, but are postponed until September, by political will beyond science, in this summer period, then the assurance on the safety of viability will be wholly guaranteed by the “temporary works”?
This is a road since 1989 when it was opened and then also closed sometime after the summer to carry out some work and finally reopened in 1990 on Valentine’s Day, which creates problems and at the same time it is a road that is often the scene of multiple road accidents, some of which are even accompanied with tragic events.
But are we so sure that by postponing after the summer security is guaranteed in the present situation that far from politics, but far from science, is the only one really qualified to write scripts?
Then there is another area, the Tyrrhenian one, and precisely to get to the pearl of the Costa Viola such as Tonnara di Palmi, in such a wonderful place as the rock of Ulivarella, in this stretch of beach that is very frequent also in the evening because there are restaurants. In this stretch of road to the sea there is a “Swiss” road full of potholes and bumpy, both in winter and in summer, but no one is indignant except the poor citizens who, in the midst of zigzags, encounter this road like a safari.
Here, too, the question arises, why? We ask the Mayor of Palmyi who was elected with popular acclaim in his second term, why these circumstances, and perhaps not before the greater influx of bathers, to make this way respectable, in connection with the beauty of that pearl which is Tonara? here because?
“Infuriatingly humble social media buff. Twitter advocate. Writer. Internet nerd.”