“SciEnza in Rocca” with Pietro Battiston, mathematician and economist

“SciEnza in Rocca” with Pietro Battiston, mathematician and economist

Meetings and conferences

Meeting Wednesday 30 November

The fourth edition of SciEnza in Roca, a series of conferences organized by the Scientific Publication Committee of Val d’Enza, sponsored by the Municipality of Montecchio Emilia, concludes on Wednesday 30 November.

The evening hosted by Prof. Pietro Battiston, mathematician and economist, professor at the University of Pisa and author of “La Responsbilità di Rete” (Il Mulino 2021), will take place in Sala della Rocca in Montecchio Emilia from 21, free entry without reservation.

the professor. Peter Battiston
Network responsibility: from pandemics to financial crises.

Terms like “viral” and “infectious” are increasingly being used even outside their field of origin—the field of study of infectious diseases such as COVID-19. And it’s no coincidence: From financial crises to the study of fake news and online advertising, there are many fields that share more than just a vocabulary with epidemiology. In all these cases, in fact, the phenomena that occur on the network are observed and studied. And these networks, even if they are very different from each other, share some basic characteristics that allow researchers, but also all members of our complex contemporary societies, to better understand what is happening around them.

Researcher in political economy at the Department of Economics and Administration of the University of Pisa, expert in economic and social networks and experimental and behavioral economics. Professor of Macroeconomics and Economics Institutions, with experience also publishing in scholarly festivals. Author of Network Responsibility (Il Mulino, 2021) and has several publications in international journals. Member of the Unintended Consequences Lab ( http://unintendedconsequenceslab.com ).

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