Science illuminates Trento

Science illuminates Trento

Tomorrow, September 29, Research Night returns. An opportunity to experience science first-hand. From 5 pm to midnight, activities and platforms at MUSE, with researchers from the University of Trento, the Bruno Kessler Foundation, the Edmund Mach Foundation and the MUSE Science Museum. At 9pm, the show is presented by chemist Chimicazza who is very popular on social media.
This event is sponsored by the Municipality of Trento, in collaboration with the Autonomous Province of Trento and with the participation of the Carretero Foundation and the CNR – National Research Council.

Science illuminates Trento

It has become a unifying event that citizens, from the oldest to the youngest, do not want to miss. Research Night returns again this year. Since 2005, thousands of researchers and scientific institutions in all European countries have participated in the initiative, promoted by the European Commission. Since 2011, the initiative has also been implemented in Trento.
On Friday 29 September from 5pm to midnight, the MUSE spaces will be activated with more than 60 platforms where each of the four research bodies organizing the event – ​​the University of Trento, the Bruno Kessler Foundation, the Edmund Mach Foundation and the MUSE – Science Museum – will speak in a dynamic and entertaining way. What happens in laboratories and classrooms.
The goal is to bring people closer to the topics of research and knowledge, through accessible and understandable language, to spread scientific culture. This is possible thanks to the enthusiasm and availability of those doing the research. Men and women who passionately devote their time to studying new solutions to improve the lives of each of us, and who, on this occasion, put away their lab coats and meet the audience.
The four Trentino institutions promoting the initiative include more than fifteen hundred researchers, male and female. For them, the Research Night is a highly anticipated moment, because they will have the opportunity to tell their stories, make their stories and the projects they implement known to citizens, and show the results of their investigations.

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Access to the stands. To access the stands, we recommend booking entry, which is free but subject to availability, at the following link:

All information about the Search Night in Trento is available on the website:


the pictures

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