Science has set the number (and it’s not too high)

Science has set the number (and it’s not too high)

Claire Lanary

38 minutes ago –

May 20, 2023, 3.02 p.m

How much money does it take to be happy?? Being happy is neither straightforward nor easy. It is often thought that it takes very little and that is probably true as well. Other times we try to find an answer in science and try to define happiness.

How, then, to live in peace, without so many economic problems, stress and daily life problems that put us in difficulty? say “Money does not buy happinessIt has foundations in many circumstances, but it must be recognized that money is necessary to live without many worries. Nowadays it is important to own a home or to be able to earn money to rent it but it is also necessary to have the money to do the shopping, pay the bills, indulge some whims and make the necessary expenses.

Some theories about money and happiness are easily explained

In a society where free time is increasingly important, we must also take into consideration the money factor, which goes hand in hand with serenity.

So, How much money does it take to be happy?? A question that is not easy to answer. A few years ago, some theories asserted that having a lot of money instead of making people happy could be harmful.
Recently, however, some theories have emerged that having more money makes you happier. The data was analyzed in 2020 by some scientists from the Office for National Statistics and the Happy Planet Index, with the aim of understanding how much money a person needs to be truly happy. In fact, we are not talking about astronomical numbers, so the answer is not that there are millions of euros, but rather that 38,882 euros a year would suffice. Exactly like that.
By earning this amount can be calm, because it is enough to have a home and pay expenses, bills, cars and some whims.

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People who live in rich countries usually need more money to be happy

On the other hand, researcher Matthew Killingsworth of the University of Pennsylvania has a different theory, in that the more money you have the more happy you are able to be.
A 2018 study by the team of Andrew T. Jeb from Purdue University and the University of Virginia titled «Happiness, income satiety, and turning points around the world »Instead, I found that those who live in rich countries usually need more money to be happy. The research has tried to understand whether happiness goes hand in hand with excess money available or if at a certain time having a lot of money is no longer enough to feel happy. the reconnaissance It has affected millions of people and the result seems surprising.

To be happy, it is enough to reach the money total, and exceeding it is often associated with less satisfactory life assessments. In rich countries, mainly Western countries, an optimal money threshold can be determined. According to the study, 95 thousand dollars or 87 thousand euros will be sufficient to obtain a satisfactory quality of life on the material level. From an emotional point of view, on the other hand, between 55,000 and 69,000 euros per year will suffice. It must be said, they are not astronomical numbers but there are certainly not many who can get them.

How much money does it take to be happy: Science has pinpointed the number

Other points that have emerged from the research are that men need less money to be happy than women, and wealthier people usually need more money, precisely because they have a high level. Of course, this is pure theory. In fact, looking at just Italy, the average annual salary is €29,500, so this means that most people are a long way from the ideal number to achieve happiness. In short, there are many variables to consider, and often just a few are enough to find the earthly peace he craves.

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So how much money does it take to be happy? There are many valid theories, but the most popular one asserts that in order to be happy you do not need millions of euros but only reach an annual figure of between 55 thousand and 70 thousand euros per year. Certainly not a few.

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