Science and Philosophy Festival

Science and Philosophy Festival
Festival of Science and Philosophy - Virtue and Knowledge of Foligno

Festival of Science and Philosophy – Virtue and Knowledge of Foligno

from From 21 to 24 April back “Festival of Science and Philosophy – Virtue and Knowledge” by Foligno. After stopping in 2020 imposed by the pandemic and releasing an online version in 2021, this year is finally back in the presence of.

by title “Let’s resume the journey. Science, new development, free thinking”The festival will consist of 162 conference Spread over four days, for a total 151 speakers Ready to reach Foligno.
between Topics Touched will be: the role of science and new development. Freedom of rational thought. Climate change; artificial intelligence and the world of the Metaverse; The future of our health. and overcoming gender inequality.
As mentioned, there will be 151 guests in this 2022 edition, which will take place over four days filled with meetings and discussions, starting with the highly anticipated date with Nobel Prize from Giorgio Baresi (In video link on April 24th).
Among the big names are also those of the geologist Mario Tozidirector of research at Irccs San Raffaele Hospital, Ana Flavia Di Emilio Einaudiscientific director of San Raffaello Hospital, Gianvito Martinogeopolitical analyst Dario FabriFrom the ocean world Catherine SchroederDirector of the Mario Negri EREX Institute for Pharmaceutical Research, Giuseppe Rimusiformer director of the Clinic for Infectious Diseases at the Sacco Hospital in Milan, Massimo Galliemergency chief, Rossella MikioUkrainian astrophysics Elena PanikovaFrom the National President of the Diabetes Association Foundation, Paulo Di Bartolopsychiatrist and sociologist, Paulo CripetFrom the world of mathematics Bergiorgio OudefrediCEO of Avio Spa, Giulio Ranzowritten by the editor-in-chief of “Leonardo’s Science and Environment News” on Rai3, Silvia Rosa Brussinscience journalist, Enrica BativogliaChief Infn, Antonio Zucoliphilosopher Umberto Galimbertiphilosopher Massimo CacciariSenator for life, Elena CattaneoHonorary Executive Officer of Research at Infn, Lucia Futanopresident and founder of the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research, Silvio Garatiniand the sociologist Domenico de Macy. There will also be the four scientific references for the festival: Physics and Genetics, Eduardo Boncinellithe philosopher Silvano Tagligambeexperimental physicist Roberto Battiston and linguist Massimo Arcangeli.
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Great return too “Experimenta”Which includes scientific experiments and technology exhibits designed for everyone from children and adults. Among the novelties of the 2022 edition is the innovative project “Let’s get into our cell.”located in the outer courtyard of Palazzo Trinci, in Foligno.
All events Announcement free entry. Already active Reservations Which can be done through the website www.festascienzafilosofia.itwhere it will also be possible to consult the full program of the eleventh edition of the “Festival of Science and Philosophy – Virtute e Conoscenza”

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