Science and Faith in Theological Perspective – SRM Science and Religion in Media

Science and Faith in Theological Perspective – SRM Science and Religion in Media

Conference in Rome on the relationship between faith and science from the perspective of basic theology.

We will talk about faith and science, as two complementary means of knowing and interpreting the reality of the world, and seeing them from the theological point of view, at this conference in Rome, on Tuesday, April 18, 2023. The double order of knowledge from the perspective of basic theology, this is the title of the event promoted by the degree Master in Science and Faith from the Athenian Papal Regina Apostolorum, as part of the Mediation of Philosophy Training Unit between Science and Faith.

Joseph Lorizio

The speaker is Monsignor Giuseppe Lorizio, Professor of Fundamental Theology at the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Lateran University and coordinator of the specialization in the same discipline. Born in Poggio Imperiale, in the province of Foggia, on November 13, 1952, Lorizio specialized in Fundamental Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in 1980, where he completed his PhD in 1988.

a summary

There is no doubt that fundamentalism is one of the most disturbing challenges facing society and religion. An example of all this, relating to the relationship between faith and science, can be found in the cinematic representation of “God Is Not Dead,” in which the atheist-scientist fundamentalism of the teacher contrasts sharply with the blind faith of the student, who attempts to explain away. Cosmic and physical topics with recourse to the Bible.

The Catholic doctrine, expressed in the context of the “double system of knowledge” (Vatican Council I) constitutes and represents an essential criterion to guide the relationship between the perspective of the believer and the various forms of knowledge that seek, each in its own way, to interpret reality. Thus a distinction is essentially made between two fundamental dimensions of Revelation, one that relates to the universe and man and the other that develops and realizes itself in the history of salvation. As it is, through the metaphor of the two wings, the Encyclical Fides and Ratio, which we will celebrate its twentieth anniversary in 2018, outlines the harmonious but not universal relationship between faith and reason. It is a matter of carefully avoiding including the first term in the second, adopting a more or less implicit theistic perspective, and vice versa in the first, and arriving at positions of extreme rationalism.

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With regard to the relationship between faith and politics, the topic can be developed starting from the words of Jesus of Nazareth: “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and give to God what is God’s”, which constitutes the basis and root of authentic secularism, whether in the scientific field or in the political field, because it preserves the independence of worldly realities , which Farah and others speak of, and which science is called upon to investigate and politics to live in, without separation or confusion. So this wonderful Catholic vision testifies to a deep trust in the human mind, in its possibilities and resources, but also in an awareness of its limitations and fragility.

Conference links

The dual order of knowledge from the perspective of basic theology

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