Sanchez resigns from 2024 budgets after electoral progress in Catalonia

Until a few hours ago, it seemed that the state budgets of Sánchez's executive would eventually be approved, but electoral progress in Catalonia It has overturned all the plans of the socialists.

In this sense, the Prime Minister said, Pedro SanchezHe took a decision to abandon the 2024 budgets and begin working on next year’s budgets, i.e. 2025, which was confirmed by the First Vice President of the Republic and the Minister of Finance. Maria Jesus Montero, In an interview with Cadena Ser:

He added: “There is no doubt that the call for elections in Catalonia clearly changes the political scene in Catalonia, and what happens after seeing the events and being realistic, He is working on the 2025 budgets“.

In this way, the accounts for 2023 will be extended and the Spanish executive will try to reach an agreement to carry over next year's accounts.

According to Montero and his ministry will benefit from “advance arrangements” This is what I achieved with some political forces to prepare these accounts. He said: “The reality indicates that we must take advantage of all the wonderful technical work that is always being done in the Ministry of Finance and the smooth talks as a starting point for working on the 2025 budgets.”

—We are working to expand this information—

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