Referee Acerbe, Juan Jesus is depressed. Banners in the city, special shirt with Atalanta

Referee Acerbe, Juan Jesus is depressed.  Banners in the city, special shirt with Atalanta

the question Acerbe Juan Jesus not finished yet. The sports judge acquitted the Nerazzurri defender of the charge of directing racial insults at his opponent. This ruling was a reward for Acerbe's line, which strongly affirmed that he had never uttered the ruling attributed to him by his Brazilian colleague. The Brazilian is angry and will not be able to appeal. In the theoretical case in which Juan Jesus decided to file a complaint about the incident, without presenting new evidence, the attempt contradicts the general principle of law that a person cannot be sentenced twice for the same fact. However, as the Brazilian can still assert himself by convicting Acerbe he is subject to criminal proceedings. This does not mean that it does not happen.

Words by Juan Jesus
Napoli published, on its official website, a long note from Juan Jesus, in which the defender said that he was frustrated by the choice of the sports judge.

“I have read several times, with great regret, the decision in which the sporting judge considered that there was no evidence that I was the victim of racist insults during the Inter Napoli match last March 17: it is an assessment, although respectable.” I find it difficult to understand and it leaves me very bitter.
I am extremely frustrated by the outcome of a serious matter which I was only guilty of treating as a 'gentleman', avoiding interrupting an important match with all the inconvenience it would have caused to the spectators who were watching the match, and I am confident that my position would have been respected and taken into consideration. For example. It is likely that, after this decision, those who find themselves in my position will act in a completely different way to protect themselves and try to put an end to the shame of racism that, unfortunately, is struggling to disappear. I do not feel protected in any way from this decision that wrestles between having to admit that “proof of the crime has certainly been achieved” and asserting that there is no certainty about its discriminatory nature, which, again according to the decision, I alone “in good faith” had. That would be seen. I really don't understand how “Go away black, you're just a nigger…” can be offensive, sure, but not discriminatory. In fact, I don't understand what all the fuss was about that evening, if it was indeed a “minor offense” that Acerbe himself felt obliged to apologize for, the referee felt he had to inform VAR, and the game was stopped more than once. One minute and his colleagues were struggling to talk to me. I cannot explain why, only the next day and during his retirement from the national team, Acerbe began to back away from his version of events and instead did not immediately deny, once the match was over, what had actually happened. I wasn't expecting the kind of ending that I fear – but I hope I'm wrong – will set a dangerous precedent to justify certain behaviors later on. “I sincerely hope that this, for me, sad story will help the entire football world reflect on such a serious and urgent issue.”

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Napoli will not wear an anti-racism patch against Atalanta
Napoli decided to stop participating in the campaigns promoted by the League, and will not wear the anti-racism patch with Atalanta. second the morningHowever, Aurelio De Laurentiis' club will go further, and against Atalanta when the tournament resumes, they could provide further evidence of their closeness to the player. Specifically, Juan Jesus could be given the captain's armband and the rest of the team could enter the field wearing a shirt with #iostoconJJ written on it.

Napoli fans were angry
The sentence that also angered Napoli fans. Yesterday they appeared at different points of the city including the main square and above all Diego Armando MaradonaSome signed signs from “Ultras 1972”, one of the historic organized support groups: “You hypocritical regime, your slogan is immature.”

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