“Putin buried the country and deceived the people.”

“Putin buried the country and deceived the people.”

Audios from the Russian Oligarch: “Putin buried the country and drowned the people.”

A phone conversation between the Russian billionaire was reported by Novaya Gazeta Europe and Ukrainian media Farkhad Ahmadov And music producer Joseph Prigozhin, in which they say that “Putin buried Russia, he fucked everyone and everything, the whole country, the whole people.” During the conversation, which allegedly took place two months ago, the interlocutors assessed the Russian leadership, shared a vision of gloomy prospects for Russia, showed fear of sanctions, showed extreme dissatisfaction with what is happening in connection with aggression against Ukraine, highlighting what they have done. Thought is the mood among the Russian elite. The interlocutor, who appears to be Yusef Prigozhin, says: “There is no doubt that they ruined…and the country.”

“They blame Sergey Shoigu for everything. They call him a piece of … a, behind his back, of course, ”he says. The guy who seems to be the oligarch Akhmedov advises Prigozhin to “sell everything,” complains that his card is frozen, while his boat is “rotting.” They write that I am a close friend of Putin! fan….or. The last time I saw Putin was in 2008.” Yusuf Prigozhin denied that he was one of the two who spoke in the recording and said, “When I listened to the audio, I almost thought I was too. Today’s technologies, networks can be used to fake not only a voice but a conversation,” he said. The audio was leaked a few weeks ago, but has now reached the media.

Beijing: Nuclear weapons in Belarus? Efforts are needed for peace

Under the current circumstances, “all parties should focus on diplomatic efforts to resolve the Ukrainian crisis peacefully and joint work to ease tensions.” So Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning answered a question about Tactical nuclear weapons The Russians reported that President Vladimir Putin said he plans to deploy to Belarus. In January 2022, Mao added, the leaders of the five nuclear-weapon states (the United States, China, Russia, Britain and France) issued a statement that “emphasized that a nuclear war cannot be won or fought.”

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Iranian Foreign Minister: I will meet Lavrov soon in Moscow

There should be a meeting “soon” in Moscow between the Iranian foreign minister and his Russian counterpart. This was announced on Twitter by the head of Iranian diplomacy, Hossein Amirollahian, who wrote: “We recently exchanged views with the foreign ministers of Austria, Australia, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Switzerland, Pakistan, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Libya and Syria I will soon meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Moscow.

Zelensky: “About 1.5 million Ukrainian adolescents are at risk of depression”

“About 1.5 million Ukrainian adolescents are at risk of developing depression, anxiety and other psychological problems,” said President Volodymyr. Zelensky In his usual video message to the nation posted last night. “The war is destroying the childhood of Ukrainian children,” Zelensky said, noting that “thousands of schools in Ukraine have been damaged or completely destroyed.” Then the Ukrainian president noted that “nearly 2.7 million schoolchildren are forced to study online or in a mixed format.”

Moscow: Kiev tried to hit us with a drone attack

The Russian military said Kiev attempted to launch an attack using a Stryz Tu-141 drone, but the Russian electronic warfare system intercepted the drone. «The Pole-21 electronic warfare system affected a Ukrainian attack drone, disabling its navigation system.

The unmanned vehicle, having lost its bearings, plunged near a village KirevskIn the Tula region, said the Russian Defense Ministry. In the explosion that occurred in the Kireevsky district of the Tula region yesterday afternoon, three residential buildings were partially damaged. Three people were injured: One of the victims received field assistance, and a woman was taken to a medical facility.

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Black Sea, a ship seen with four Caliber cruise missiles

The aforementioned statement was issued by the head of the press center of the Joint Coordination of the Southern Defense Forces Natalia Homenyuk During the national telephone, a reporter from ukrinform.

“Firstly, nature is on our side again, the weather is getting worse and is forcing the enemy naval group to re-form and return to their positions. Two submarine missile carriers were on combat duty yesterday, and one remained in the evening. This indicates that four Kalibr missiles Ready to use. But let me remind you that showing up for a combat mission is a period of two to three hours, ”Homeniuk said.

Esso wrote: “Putin wants complete victory in Ukraine, no negotiations”

Russian President Vladimir Putin seeks a complete victory in Ukraine, and seems confident that he can achieve it over time, and rejects the idea that the current military reality requires a negotiated solution to the conflict. The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) wrote this in its latest report, adding that “Ukrainian counterattacks are almost necessary but not sufficient to persuade Putin to negotiate acceptable terms or to create military conditions on the ground sufficiently favorable to Ukraine and the West.” Neither Ukraine nor the West persuaded the Kremlin president to consider agreeing to any kind of compromise. Instead, Putin remains focused on achieving his initial war aims through a protracted conflict which he won either by forcibly imposing his will on Ukraine or by breaking Ukraine’s will after Kiev was abandoned by the West.

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Russia, new bases for torpedoes and nuclear submarines arrive

Russia plans to complete the construction of coastal infrastructure in the Pacific Ocean in early 2024 to house a new base for giant Poseidon torpedoes and nuclear submarines. This was reported by the Russian news agency TASS. In January, Moscow announced that it had produced the first batch of Poseidon torpedoes, a combination of a torpedo and a drone that could be launched from a nuclear submarine. The torpedoes are being developed for deployment on the Belgorod and Khabarovsk nuclear submarines. The main base of nuclear ballistic missile submarines of the Russian Pacific Fleet is located on the southeastern coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula in the Russian Far East. According to a source in the military, a new division is being formed within the submarine forces of the Russian Pacific Fleet, which will include not only Belgorod and Khabarovsk, but also other submarines.

Explosions in Mariupol, Donetsk and Melitopol

Explosions this morning in Mariupol, Donetsk and Melitopol in the Zaporizhia region, Ukrainian cities occupied by the Russian army. This was reported by the exiled administrators of the two cities, citing Rbc-Ukraine. According to the mayor of Melitopol Ivan Fedorov, buildings were hit in the place where the Russian administration is located, who stated that as a result of “artillery shelling” in Melitopol one building was partially destroyed, other buildings were damaged, 4 people remained injured. An official in the occupied Zaporozhye region, Vladimir Rogov, published photos of the explosions.

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