President Lula is re-elected (and Bolsonaro leaves for the United States)

President Lula is re-elected (and Bolsonaro leaves for the United States)

“Today our message to Brazil is one of hope and reconstruction. If we are here today it is thanks to the democratic conscience of our society.” With these words, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, 77, took office yesterday as the 39th President of Brazil. His third term after two consecutive terms from 2003 to 2010. In the history of the samba country, he is now president, after Getúlio Vargas who committed suicide in 1954, who will remain in power for a longer period, while he was with the Workers’ Party (PT), this is the fifth term, including In that the second term of Dilma Rousseff, which ended with her dismissal in 2016.

Lula Jair attacked Bolsonaro in his speech to Parliament. “Never before have so many state resources been distorted around a project of authoritarian power,” he then repeated the mantra of his transitional government, namely that the situation in the country his predecessor leaves would be “desolate,” despite the same positives as the primary surplus of 6 billion euros. In 2022 (not in 10 years). “In the face of terrible violence (homicides in the country of samba have decreased by 30% in the past four years, ed.), I am committed to rebuilding Brazil for all and for all: the wheel of the economy will be back again,” he affirmed.

In his first speech as president of Brazilians, Lula then mentioned all the issues his government wanted to address: the fight against hunger, human rights, a return to a sustainable Amazon, the right to public health, the abolition of the cap on public spending and the Bolsonaro decrees facilitating access to weapons. He also promised to implement new transparency mechanisms. The president stressed that Brazil must return “to the forefront of the global economy”. Such as? “It will correspond to the case for demonstrating the digital transformation and bringing Brazilian industry into the 21st century, with a policy that supports innovation, encourages public-private collaboration, and strengthens science.”

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Lula was elected last October 30 with 50.9% of the valid votes against 49.1% of Bolsonaro, with a difference of only 2.1 million votes, less than 2% of the valid votes. The least difference for an elected president since the return of democracy, which indicates the climate of political polarization that prevails in the country today. According to the latest Datafolha poll, today 51% of Brazilians believe that Lula will do better in his new term than Bolsonaro, a figure that, however, does not exceed the number of voters who voted for him in the second round, indicating how low the expectations of the Brazilian population are compared to the average. Historic. At the start of his first term in 2003, the percentage of those who expected a good government from Lula was 76%.

The dictator of Venezuela Maduro was absent, yesterday all the other leaders of South America and the main representatives of that multipolar world were present, the champion of Lula’s foreign policy also in his two previous terms. Also on the podium was an Iranian delegation headed by Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, Speaker of the Iranian Parliament and former commander of the Air Force of the Revolutionary Guards. In the evening, the inauguration ceremony of the armored Lula was concluded by a concert with more than 8,000 police, 350 snipers, helicopters and drones. A suspected bomber was arrested, but in the end, the violence that had been feared on the eve was not witnessed.

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