Presentation of the science and technology book. From the scientific revolution to the digital revolution “in Bo on January 18, 2023 events in Padua

Presentation of the science and technology book.  From the scientific revolution to the digital revolution “in Bo on January 18, 2023 events in Padua

titled “Science and Technology. From the Scientific Revolution to the Digital Revolution” chain size Batavina Libertas. European History of the University of Padua The Higher Publication series based on solid archival research by young historians from the university, which reinterprets the Padawan path in a European key, between spaces and forms Libertas And its role in the development of human and scientific knowledge.

The book is edited by Julius Peruzzi And Valentina Roberti Published by Donzelli and Padova University Press, and presented to the public on the occasion of the University’s 800th Anniversary Celebration, Wednesday, January 18th at 5 p.m In the Aula Nievo of Palazzo del BoVia February 2nd Via Padua. guests to meet the authors, George Morrow (Department of Chemical Sciences), Frank Cardin (Mathematics department), Ettore Fornasini and Pierfrancesco Brunello (Engineering Department).

the book

The course of modern science – which began between the second half of the sixteenth century and the end of the seventeenth century – was not linear, but the universities, particularly the University of Padua, played an important role. A science intertwined with technique since the workshops of the Renaissance, as technical skills gradually joined those that would later belong to the architect, urban planner and engineer. Precisely the development of technology, today a crucial sector of the Padawan franchise but which entered Italian universities late, shows how important cultural and entrepreneurial maturity in the region is for their development.

Since its inception, science has also defined the values ​​that make up its ethos; Among them: independence from race, nationality, religion and caste; adjective “common ownership” of knowledge; Use reason and stop judgment until the facts are verified. These are all values ​​that totalitarian societies have always tried to curb. It is no coincidence that research is initially carried out in academies, where an “ideal republic” is created, consisting of free discussion and deliberation of ideas, collective work, respect for the rules of the curriculum, comparison of proposals and results on the basis of experiments and presentations. The Ideal Republic is very different from the context in which the new science begins.

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Only later – in the rest of Europe before Italy – did universities enter the scene, and among the Italian universities the University of Padua was often in the lead, beginning at the age of eighteen through Galileo’s attendance. In fact, Galileo was fully aware of the European ferment of the time, emphasizing the importance of bringing experimentation into the process of understanding natural phenomena, promoting the role of technology in expanding scientific knowledge, and emphasizing freedom of inquiry and the supremacy of reason. From the dominance of Serenissima until the 20th century, the University of Padua has been able to keep pace with the developments of science and technology, and often anticipates future prospects.

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The event is also broadcast on Live broadcast on YouTube channel Athenaeum.

Photo essay from press release

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