Prayer is good for the soul and the body

Prayer is good for the soul and the body

Prayer is not only medicine for our souls, it is also medicine for our bodies. One can think that it is just a purely mnemonic exercise, consisting in the repetition of formulas or other things. But in reality, prayer is something much higher than that.

Pope Francis has repeatedly told us that “prayer is like the oxygen of life.” This time, even science confirmed the benefits of prayer.

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Effects of prayer on the body

It is rare for science and faith to agree with each other on some basic points of life for each one of us. But what we are going to tell you now is the exception that proves the rule. Prayer: It is the main focus of all our faith. Without it we feel lost, we feel that there is no dialogue with God if there is no prayer. It is as if “something is missing”.

For those who believe, prayer is essential. But, this time, there are those who agree on this aspect. In fact, science shows that prayer has a positive effect, not only on our spiritual health, but also on our physical health, it helps us reduce illness and heal even earlier.

Nothing seems possible, but it is. There is also An interpretation that has its roots in both science and philosophy. Each of us is always expected to look toward the infinite as if it were a necessity for us.

The latest neurological studies: How does prayer affect the brain?

This leads us to the spiritual dimension and, automatically, to prayer and meditation, asking ourselves questions about our existence. And yet, philosophy accompanies us. But science? Neuroscience has shown that prayer can affect the brain, It also highlights how the stages of the brain and nervous system are connected to live the religious experience.

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Studies of how faith affects our health began as early as the 1970s Professor Herbert Neumann, Neurologist. He began to suppose that prayer has the same biochemical action that produces a moment of relaxation, and thus also helps us calm down and lower our blood pressure and heart rate. Although there is not enough evidence to confirm with certainty, the researcher also believes that those who pray or meditate regularly have a longer average life.

In short: Prayer calms and reassures. But there is more. At the neural level, there is a large network of structures that are involved in brain activity. They are located in the frontal lobe area: where our focus on prayer is activated and in the limbic system, allowing us to experience the feelings that result from it. And in the parietal lobes, on the other hand, which are involved in ourselves and in orientation in space and time.

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Oneness with God: How the Brain Reacts

Specifically, during prayer or meditation, These areas of the brain can be turned on or off. When a person experiences a sense of oneness with God, when prayer has completely penetrated him, the parietal lobes can be subject to this phenomenon.

All this should not frighten us, quite the contrary. Prayer is truly the oxygen of life: it calms us and helps us to face difficulties or dark moments in our lives, to feel comfort from God and accompany the hand of the Virgin Mary.

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