“Planned massacre in Olinevka, where are the international guarantors?” – Corriere.it

“Planned massacre in Olinevka, where are the international guarantors?”  – Corriere.it
From Josie Fasano

Katerina Prokopenko, wife of the commander of the Azov regiment: the last time I saw my husband was before the war, then I heard him on May 23. The Russians say it’s in Moscow but I don’t know if it’s true

Who sent us
KIEV – “Look at these pictures.” Katerina Prokopenko shows the photos downloaded to her mobile phone. “It’s aerial footage of Maxar technology and it’s our latest update Massacre of prisoners of war in Olenivka.
From the pictures you can see two things. Some holes were dug near the building, which was dug between July 18 and 21, and the shed where 53 prisoners were killed and 70 liquor wounded: it was destroyed without anything else being damaged around it. “It confirms the planning of this massacre,” she is convinced, speaking for all the soldiers’ wives. For Azovstal Steel Works and that is wife of the commander of the Azov regiment,
Denis Prokopenko
The most symbolic prisoner of war in the hands of the Russians.

Do you have recent news about your husband?

“No. The last time I saw him was 10 days before the war began and the last time I heard his voice – in a few words – was on May 23. The Russians say he’s in Moscow but I don’t know if it’s true.

What do you know about Olenivka massacre?

We don’t know anything about the identities of the dead and wounded, if that’s what you want to know. We collected photos and testimonies from the telegram channels of Russian soldiers and propaganda, showed the photos to medical examiners who are experts in this type of investigation and they assure us: some prisoners of war were tortured and killed. before the massacre. The type of injuries they sustained, and the condition of their bodies did not seem compatible with the explosions.”

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The Russians are now asking the United Nations and the Red Cross to visit the prison.

“I would like to ask: Where has the Red Cross and the United Nations been until now? The day before, our soldiers were taken to the place that became their grave. Why was the Red Cross and the United Nations not present to monitor these operations? We thought they were security institutions. If they were there to at least see the freshly dug holes, for example … that Russia wants to get rid of our soldiers, after all, it’s no secret. Just read what their embassy in the UK is writing…».

He refers to a tweet about Azov soldiers who “deserve to be executed by hanging”, because “they are not real soldiers and this is a humiliating death?”

“Exactly. This tweet for me is another confirmation of Russian responsibility in Olinevka. It is not logical to assume that the Ukrainians are, as they say, so that the soldiers would not testify for their war crimes. If Ukraine had wanted to kill Azov soldiers, it would have let them die in the bowels of the Azovstals ” .

Jul 31, 2022 (change on Jul 31, 2022 | 23:06)

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