“Phenomena like Coti x Coti can always happen, but they almost never happen.”

“Phenomena like Coti x Coti can always happen, but they almost never happen.”

PalmaFrom starting without many expectations, “with the joke that since we have musical instruments and a computer, we can compose songs”, to becoming one of the most successful groups in the Catalan music scene. The active development of The Tyets, a band composed of Oriol de Ramón and Xavier Coca from Matarón, led them to reach 1 million monthly listeners on Spotify as soon as their second album was released. Solite sagawhich contains, among other things, what has already become an anthem that crosses generational boundaries: “Coti x coti”Its melody resounds today in schoolyards and popular exhibitions, in the mouths of children, youth and adults of all ages. The Tyets are headlining Tribufest, an event for the whole family taking place at Felanitx on June 1st.

“Phenomena like Coti x coti can always happen, but in reality they never happen. “It’s something that happens suddenly and you wouldn’t expect it at all, you can’t imagine it,” explains Xavier Coca, who admits that when the album came out they were “convinced that it would just remain Tale.’ “At the end of the day, it was a very simple song, both for the lyrics and the melody, which had that extra thing of mixing reggaeton with sardana, yes, but in no way did we expect it to be received this way. … It had all the components needed to work but within their limits, we thought, and it got out of hand. Everything was very strong about this song.” With over twenty million plays on Spotify, among other things, they received the Capital de la Sardana Award for Innovative Initiatives from the Sardanista Federation of Catalonia, which was “like crazy” for For duo.

However, this was not the only topic that meant the most to The Tyets. One of the other songs that make up this second album, released four years after its debut, hecom. pipeigIt became a story that appeared only two months ago. “The song ‘Olivia’ was born from a true story of Oriol, that his sister had given birth to a baby girl and he wrote a song about how he told them she was coming into the world,” says musician “What it says is something universal: how suddenly a new member appears in the family and how that is communicated.” And that’s how they added an unexpected milestone to this phase of success and recognition: spending St. George’s Day signing copies of their own story on Paseo de Gracia.

Unified project

This is just one of the many repercussions of their unexpected success in just five years. “We could not have believed, in any way, that we would end up having so many people at concerts or that our music would reach such different forms… With the last album we have united the project within the new urban scene in the country,” says Cuka. Catalonia and some in this way have given way to a wave full of many other very interesting projects.” In fact, the musician describes the good time experienced by artists like Muchka, with whom he has collaborated, as a shared joy, and they live it as part of their success that the Catalan music scene has gained strength in the years The latter, however, they also consider it a responsibility and adds: “We make a kind of music that is aimed at everyone, for the whole family unit, because what we want is for people of all ages to come and see us, and at the end of the day we come to have a good time, that is something that is essential. In our personality. We try to show that a lot, especially in live shows.”

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With this intention, next June 1st they will arrive at Felanitx, at Tribufest, where they will share the bill with LA, Xiula and Reggae for Kids, among others, in an event aimed at families where creative workshops and artistic performances are also presented. “Now we’re doing a new live show, a lot He chooses“With an amazing structure of lights and lasers and with some very powerful arrangements,” the singer continues, “we started to introduce some new themes that we are still working on.” In fact, at the time of this conversation with Xavier Coca, there were only a few hours left before he and Oriol de Ramón left for Miami, where for a week they were holding study sessions with different producers, with the aim of finding new ones. Looks like record acts in the future. “We like to have new references and work with different people, although in the end we are quite self-sufficient and end up doing everything ourselves, the essence is always ours: making happy, carefree music, and having a good time.” , Indicates. Outside. And although they recently embarked on a “European mini-tour” that has taken them to perform in cities like London, Copenhagen and Brussels, at the moment they aren’t even thinking about making that international leap. “We’re not even kidding about this,” confirms Xavier Coca sympathetically, though he hints that after everything they’ve been through so far with The Tyets, they’re already open to any surprise the music scene can throw at them.

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