What? Ah, what's not “what?” It is “Pe”, the words of Raffaella Carrà, “Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pe!”. It's with so many intrigues that even the spirit of the festival has been left behind, and the complexion has been ruined by devoting ourselves to nail-eating, well, biting our nails. Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, what? Well nothing.

While the clock was ticking for five long days, TikTok danced to its own tune, those not yet born in the 80s recycled the song of the sexy Italian and Pedro Sanchez also recycled himself elsewhere. Remix . Yes, life is nothing but constant recycling, networks give in to funny videos and manicures are remade. Peter, what? Well nothing.
The Pedro phenomenon, the Rafaela Carra phenomenon, is not limited to our country. For example, Remix It reached number 50 on Italian Spotify yesterday and X gave full information about the ephemeris. There, Rafaela Cara is a national monument and here is an obsession, Pedro the musician shouts with the singer “Confía en mí” and Pedro (Sanchez) repeats it after the five days that shook Spain, then he visits a booth in the Feria de Abril de Barcelona where with me Of course, some call it “steadfastness” and others “elections.” Everything is said and life is constant recycling.
“Pedro P, practically the best in Santa Fe.” The soundtrack accompanied the demonstrators in Ferraz during the days of reflection, which would not be allowed at the end of the elections, but this was not an election but something else. Some tweeters rate Dúo Dinámico, Serrat, Quevedo, Rigoberta Bandini, International. Life is recycling, etc. Sometimes that is a coincidence. “What are the odds that this moment in Pedro Sanchez's life coincides with the success of Rafaela Cara's song of the same name in 1980?” (@franksoflash). There are more tweeters asking, without a clear answer.
That of Santa Fe de la Cara, one the little boy “With an innocent face and a formal body,” although it should not be too much, “manudoformalito el Muchachito, Menudas cosas aprendí con él.” This is encouraging. She also plays in gyms Pedro, Joy in the background to hold our abs and everything that lies above us. What awaits us in the coming months, dog or raccoon?
(Thriller for @mikeosoriok, who had the audacity to call our singer “famous at the time.” Gilly almost bares his head, imitating her commute to school. Raffaella Cara is eternal, and the other stuff is a must-see.)
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