There have been rumors for some time of a possible engagement Paula Parral to New VIP Big Brother, in the role of commentator. revolution Mediaset challenged before Pierre Silvio Berlusconi It also stipulated that a showgirl be present alongside her Katya Ricciarelli. They have then been replaced by the journalist’s unique choice Cesara Bonamici.
there paral It was enough Post to Dancing with the stars, which he described, in the end, as a bit lousy. a guest librema lycheeYesterday he spoke about his book It’s not the end of the world thenBut also for some of his TV experiences. Paula In fact, she admitted that she was very disappointed with her participation in the film Dancing with the Stars:
On Saturday night people want to relax and Dancing with the stars The Italian language last year was very heavy and I didn’t join it because it became chatty and so things didn’t go as I had hoped because this thing prevented me a lot from expressing myself. On the one hand, I’m so glad I did because dancing is such a wonderful thing.
In particular, paral She said she was annoyed with the jurors who were “always arguing”. According to Showgirl. The jury tried to set up a live confrontation with her, but her serenity was not enough to achieve this goal:
And then also this jury that was always arguing. Which juror did you deal with best? no one. Then I couldn’t participate in the program because when they told me I danced badly they wanted me to get angry, instead I said “You’re right”. And from an entertainment point of view, I didn’t give them what they wanted. They knew it… Those who make TV know me. If I kiss someone like me, I don’t like to gossip, and I’m so lonely, they even pay me well enough to do it. Since you’re paying me, but you’re using me for what I can do for you, right?! If you insist on making a mistake, you will eventually bring something home.
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