Pasties and the former

Pasties and the former

Turin – With all due respect to those who immediately sought the coercive exegetical Byzantine teaching or searched for later ideas, the remarks of the new head ofThe Hague Too obvious and totally unexplainable: A footballer who addresses the crowd with gestures of silence and gestures of any kind will be booked according to the ‘Regulations’. And if you don’t call Lukaku And there will be no worse information campaigns for him. Thus, in “Radio Ancio Le Sport” on Radio Rai 1, the president Charles Pacific In response to the question whether there is a possibility that the refereeing team will now assess situations on the pitch differently in response to racial slurs: «Absolutely not, the decision was made on the field. Then pardon is one of the powers of the federal president, and he applied it because he may have fulfilled all the conditions, and for us this does not represent a precedent. Nothing changes from us, we will continue to make decisions in accordance with the established rules. Whoever silences the audience after being insulted will be warned according to the regulation that the gesture is provocative.».

How do we act?

Specifically in connection with the extensive media coverage that prompted the decision Gravina (the result of a strong media push) and the constant recurrence of racist episodes (because it is the state that thinks about racism, not just the stadiums: that would be very nice) Obviously the first question to be resolved that the referees had their new boss was this: How do we behave? Do we act like nothing happened, do we pat them on the back or do the rules still apply?

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