Party consensus on extending the next generation, with calls from pro-independence parties for decentralization of administration

Party consensus on extending the next generation, with calls from pro-independence parties for decentralization of administration

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Most of the parties are Catalan and Spanish that are served in European elections Subordinate June 9 He flies extends financial resources next generation Beyond 2026 and adapting to the challenges of the world European Unionas they could be Climate changethe Industrial competitiveness Oh L Social Justice. There are disagreements over investment priorities or their management – supporters of independence call for decentralization – but there is majority consensus on joint indebtedness to the states for investment. Boosting the economy for the European bloc. In their election proposals, the Junts, PSC, ERC, Commons-Sumar, PP, Cs and Vox also disagree on Green Charter And the Immigration policies From the European Union.


With the exception of Vox, all of the major lineups that filed with the country in 9-J want to continue the model of next-generation funds born of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, each party has different priorities when it comes to distributing funds.

For the socialists, the money should mainly go to research, technology and re-industrialization to achieve a “green and digital transformation”, while in Somare they want the money to also go to “expanding social and labor rights in the EU”.

Instead, the People’s Party proposes “solid reforms” in order to stop the widening of the “competitiveness gap” with the United States. The formation, headed by Jordi Cañas, also defends a Europe “with a competitive economy and aware of the increase in the cost of living.”

The election platform available to Vox does not mention the next generation, despite criticism of “capacity accumulation” by Brussels. “We demand respect for national sovereignty,” they say.

Freelancers demand money management

Faced with the debate about the continuity of European funds generated from common debts, the two Catalan independence parties competing in the European elections show their disagreement with the central administration of the mandates that have been achieved so far.

From the ERC they demand the participation of sub-governmental bodies in the management of the Fund, while in the Junts they go further and demand that it be managed “directly” from the general government and “without the mediation of Madrid”.

Among other demands for independence, self-determination also stands out. Juntes defends the “compatibility” of the self-determination referendum in Catalonia with the Spanish Constitution, especially in accordance with Article 92 of it, and stresses that it will “enhance” the discussion on this issue among European political and legal bodies. He also defends the “compatibility” between self-determination and treaties. In addition, the program includes Junts’ commitment to “support and strengthen” the European Parliament’s negotiation process with the Socialist Workers’ Party, with international mediation.

Republicans are betting on the European Clarity Agreement: the legal framework in the European Union that sets out the necessary conditions for the exercise of the right to self-determination and automatic integration of new states consisting of territories that have already become part of the European Union. The two parties insist on making Catalan the official language in the EU “effective” and together propose the creation of a European Agency for Multilingualism in order to “ensure linguistic diversity” in the EU.

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Global Warming

The other main instrument of this European legislative body that will be re-evaluated is the European Green Charter. In contrast to the Covid funds, the environmental policy of the European Commission headed by Ursula von der Leyen has led to further divisions between European political families that have also moved to the Catalan and Spanish parties.

In the Peace and Security Council, they call for a European Green Charter, but insist on implementing “just transition” measures, with progressive environmental taxes. They also want to include clear penalties for non-compliance with low-emission zones. Regarding the 2040 emissions reduction target that must be approved by this legislature, they are not getting wet and merely stressing that it must be “ambitious.”

Together they advocate that the new Common Agricultural Policy for 2028-2034 should be aligned with the European Green Charter, although it calls for aid to be increased to small, medium and family farms, and limited to large landowners. .

In the ERC they call for a more “social” character of the Green Charter and an expansion of the Just Transition Funds. In parallel, they advocate climate neutrality by 2040 with the phasing out of fossil fuels in the coming years, and other measures such as banning short-haul flights and promoting night trains.

Cummins-Somar calls for the planned 2030 emissions reduction from 55% to 65%, thus achieving decarbonisation by 2040, not the current target of 2050. They also want a renewables target of 50% in 2030 and 80% by 2030. 2040 Among the measures they propose to achieve this are imposing a 15% tax on the profits of oil companies, a tax on luxury goods and services, or completing a pan-European electrified railway network before 2030.

Regarding energy and climate, the party proposes a “sustainable” Europe and advocates the fight against climate change, while also betting on “energy independence that guarantees security of supply.”

So far, the Spanish People’s Party has not taken a position in its manifesto on the Green Charter, but at the European level his party is taking courage from the green measures promoted by the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. Of course, he is also betting on moving agricultural policies away from “incentive conditions,” in defense of the reduction in green requirements for farmers that were agreed upon in response to the protests.

Ultras Vox intend to take charge of the Green Charter’s climate policies because, in their opinion, it is a “plan for massive layoffs” that harms “the countryside and Spain’s energy sovereignty.”


The PSC defends the Migration and Asylum Charter because it believes it is based on “genuine solidarity and shared responsibility, with fair and effective procedures and decent reception conditions.” He now demands that Frontex’s role in border management be strengthened while “strengthening” this European agency’s supervision regarding respect for human rights.

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On matters of migration and asylum, Günz defends “the right to asylum for those persons who meet the conditions for obtaining it” and commits to demanding “solidarity” between Member States when welcoming refugees “while obliging the Central and Northern European countries to take care of them without the option of avoiding them.” With the economic counterparties, so that Catalonia does not see its reception system saturated or experience unsustainable population growth In addition, they pledge in the program to “defend before the EU institutions the assumption of migration powers by Catalonia.”

On the other hand, the European Refugee Council denounces the new Charter on Immigration and Asylum and demands a new “immigration law” that includes “more flexible legal methods” for entering the European Union. The outsourcing of immigration management to authoritarian governments must also end.

Somare also wants to put human rights at the “centre” of EU migration policy, pursue rapid returns, ensure sea rescue, renegotiate the European Migration and Asylum Convention so that it is “solidarity and respect” and close all EU identification and deportation centres.

Fuchs wants to fight the “mafia”, the “immediate expulsion of illegal immigrants”, Frontex’s “involvement in protecting Europe’s southern borders”, and agreements with third countries so that they “accept the return” of expelled people.

The European Parliament also talks about fighting the human trafficking mafia, tightening controls and increasing cooperation with third countries, replicating agreements like the one concluded in Tunisia, as well as tripling the number of Frontex clients. One of the most controversial issues is the attempt to send asylum seekers to “safe third countries” to undergo asylum procedures there. However, the candidacy of Dolores Montserrat did not include this issue in its manifesto and they have not yet published an electoral program.

Social rights

On housing, the Socialists want 30% of new housing to be affordable for low-income groups, and for the EU to make this target binding. In addition, they say they want to increase control over short-term rental platforms and finance social housing with European money.

Somar calls for issuing specific directives on the right to housing, allocating at least 1.5% of GDP to these policies and imposing a European tax on real estate speculation. They demand from the ERC a European fund for adequate housing and laws against speculation.

The PSC, ERC and Commons-Sumar want abortion to be included in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. While the PSC wants to ban prostitution in the EU, the other two parties are demanding recognition of LGBTQ+ rights and, for example, legally recognizing at a European level those acquired by transgender, intersex and non-binary people in their countries.

Cs talk about promoting “recognition of all types of families and their rights in all EU countries”, and want a common large family card and European programs to “encourage the birth rate”.

In the social field, the People’s Party asserts that the European social model is “besieged by the demographic challenge” and states that it will introduce “a set of measures aimed at facilitating the lives of families that contribute to securing the future and favoring young Europeans.” . In this area, it is also committed to strengthening health services, improving educational policies, facilitating access to housing and “fighting discrimination” throughout the Union.

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The far-right Vox party proposes “an end to progressive policies” that “attack freedom, confront families, and flood Europe with multiculturalism.” It defends “the right to life and respect for the family as a basic institution in society.”

Foreign and defense policy

With the war in Ukraine and the conflict between Israel and Palestine, the European Union’s foreign and defense policy has emerged at the forefront of the European campaign. It is an issue that was not discussed much in Catalonia in the last elections of 2019, but now features prominently in the parties’ electoral platforms.

In terms of foreign and defense policy, Junts is committed to “European integration in the field of common defense over the armies of states” and declares that it will support “the development of mechanisms for the joint supply of arms within the European Union.”

For their part, the Socialists are committed to strengthening the EU’s Common Security and Defense Policy, but in “close cooperation” with NATO. They also call for more cooperation between countries’ intelligence services.

On the contrary, Soumare calls for “a transition from NATO’s system of security guarantees” to “a democratically controlled European security space” that is “at the service of European citizens and not at the service of the arms industry.”

The European Council of Europe does not comment on the security system, but in the field of foreign policy it wants the European Union to adopt its decisions by a qualified majority to avoid paralysis imposed by consensus. In addition, it demands that trade agreements have environmental and human rights conditions as a way to help Catalan farmers.

Regarding the geostrategic sphere, the People’s Party is betting that EU foreign policy aims to “support the rules-based international order and prevent the commercial monuments of globalization from collapsing.” Likewise, he asks Europe to “make its voice heard” in the wars in Ukraine and Gaza, and proposes that the Union expand at the rate allowed by negotiations eastward and strengthen its presence in North Africa. It also calls for strengthening the alliance with the United States, “tightening” relations with Latin America, and “negotiating and agreeing on global agenda issues with China.” Finally, it is also betting on investing more in security and defense.

The Constitution calls for the establishment of a “common defense policy” and proposes that candidate countries for joining the European Union be subject to the “common defense” clause contained in Article 42 of the treaties.

Regarding foreign policy, the Vox party’s ultras focus mainly on relations with Latin America and call for a tough stance against what they consider “communist drug dictatorships.”


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