“Now politics gives space to science.”

“Now politics gives space to science.”

Adamello Brenta Nature Park, the heart of LifeUrsus’ bear reintroduction project in the Central Alps, has announced its intention to start Research project on the topic of incorporation of large carnivores in the Alpine region. The duration will be three years, at an estimated cost of €70,000, to be paid in full by the park.

“We have been working on this project since last fall. In fact, it is a decision related to the situation that has arisen over the years, and not in response to the tragic death of Andrea Papi – he explains to Kodami Andrea Mostoni, Director of Science Communication for the Zoo – We expected a collaboration of zoologists, anthropologists and sociologists. Indeed, coexistence with increasingly large carnivores requires dialogue with the social sciences.”

In a memo issued by The Park, President Walter Ferrazza comments: “Everything is now exponentially more difficult than when we started to think about it, in a measured way, I would say, but the task of a reality like ours is also this: to take charge of problems and try to deal with them.” , Enhanced by our technical and scientific skills And with a fully cooperative attitude towards the county and other stakeholders.”

Project details: «Collaboration with sociologists and anthropologists»

The announcement came after the meeting, which opened with a minute’s silence for Andrea Papi, which also marks the official change of administration of the park. In a place Christian Trotterwho will manage Paneveggio Park and Pale di San Martino, Technical Director of the Trentino Hunters Association, Alessandro Brugnoli, Who will start his office in the next few days.

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As far as scientific communications are concerned, the role of Andrea Mostoni, who was, at the time of Ursus’s life, the technical coordinator of the project, remained unchanged. “Zooscience is a complex subject, and nowadays, to have a holistic view of the context in which we work, we must also give space beyond the purely natural field,” Mustoni comments. “That is why we decided to collaborate and integrate the skills brought by sociologists and anthropologists into the project.” approach aimed at Enhance the scientific component Which, as Kodami has often pointed out, has long been sidelined by politics for a long time.

The doctor will collaborate with Adamello Brenta Nature Park Roberta Ravaita The University’s Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage Ca’ Foscari Venice And the doctor Andrea Fargio, Associate Professor of Sociology, Department Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Sassari.

“The team will conduct regional surveys – adds Mostoni – the communication expert will then convert the results of the analyzes into a communication plan tailored to the various social groups that make up human society, including young people, the elderly, farmers and the tourism sector.”

“It is necessary that politics give space to the scientific method.”

It also stresses the importance of scientific activities carried out by protected areas Framework Law No. 394 of December 6, 1991in the management and creation of natural areas. in Article 1 (point c)In fact, research is cited as a cornerstone of the parks’ activities: “In order to ensure and promote the preservation and enhancement of the country’s natural heritage, and to promote education, training and scientific research activities.”

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Adamello Brenta Park reiterated this concept last April 21, after Mostoni and Ferrazza had gone silent in a statement, contradicting several statements made by the President of the Autonomous Province of Trento, Maurizio Fugattiin the past weeks.

Mustoni then released an interview with Kodami, in which he emphasized that applied research can play an important role in the narrative and in the coexistence of large carnivores: «I consider it pivotal because the people of Trentino need to know what bears are doing on the ground. Therefore, we must not be satisfied with studying their behavior, but we must also tell this to the population through applied research that is able to talk to people.”

Regarding the goals of the research project that begins in the park, Fugaza comments: «We want to understand how citizens’ opinion of the bear stock reconstitution project in western Trentino has changed over time, and this, I repeat, is a retrograde intention. Long before the last tragic event. We want to understand which participatory pathways, primarily targeting local communities, can be initiated Generate situations and dynamics conducive to human-animal coexistence».

Mostoni also confirms this, and concludes: «We are talking about an issue that involves many variables that change over time. That is why we believe it is necessary to continue the project even after the deadline and to maintain the intention permanently.”

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