Not me but us, Fatah Science for the Democracy of Knowledge

Not me but us, Fatah Science for the Democracy of Knowledge

New technologies, art, and citizen science are being applied to sustainable environmental warfare against the tiger mosquito

Scientists, artists, and citizens together unleash virtuous collaborative dynamics through caring actions and conscious gestures of protection and love for the island, to study and fight the tiger mosquito together. The large-scale, participatory artwork returns, in real time in the public space, to the research findings and the impacts of the population’s contribution.

NON IO MA NOI is a project of the New Arts Techniques Course of the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples. The work involves activating relational accelerators that contribute to the STOPTIGRE project experiment, conducted by the Laboratory of Genetics and Control of Vector Insects at the Department of Biology of the University of Naples Federico II, to combat the Asian tiger mosquito. The two projects merge into the “Open Science” project and through the synergy of art and science will focus on the collective interest, promoting a sense of belonging to the common area.

During their first field survey, in April, students of the NTA Lab will conduct their first visual count and first artwork: Prosedani’s photographs will become phrases on the island’s Grancie walls and face each one that will bear witness to the community spirit that fuels the project.

Residents will actively participate

Residents will then be invited to actively participate, in May, in scientific experiments by setting and managing gravity traps in their gardens, devices capable of capturing mosquitoes, determining their presence, preventing their reproduction, and conducting an analysis of the dynamics of Asian tiger mosquitoes. At the same time, the technical experiment will develop a new and more complex visual statistic: using 3D scanning and modeling techniques, full-length 3D images of all Procida residents will be created.

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In June, the final working event for the entire project will be a large-scale and extensive relational anthropological sculpture that will show the network of relationships, the sense of community and the actions of caring that made part of the work not me but us.

In September, at a second public restoration event, all scientific data produced will be presented to the community during a public meeting in the field.

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