North Korea, mass protests against the “American imperialists”. The promise of a “war of revenge”

North Korea, mass protests against the “American imperialists”.  The promise of a “war of revenge”

North Korea, mass protests against the “American imperialists”.  The promise of a “war of revenge”

They were 120 thousand a PyongyangAll of them gathered on the occasion of the festivities Anniversary 73 from Korean War (1950-1953) for demonstrating against “American imperialism” and promising him a “war of revenge”. give her picture Broadcast by the Korean Central News Agency, you see one packed stadium of people, some of them holding signs that read: “The entire American continent is within our firing range.” and “The imperialist United States is the destroyer of peace.” trustees South Korean Workers’ Party.

Through a report publishedInstitute of American Studiesthe North Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairsand released by the South Korean news agency Yonhap, criticized the Pyongyang government South Korea they United State for them “Rave comparison.” army anti-communism and “rhetorical threats”, accusing them of crossing the line stress In the area, “about a nuclear war. The note continues by comparing the letter tmilitary accessories in the area for them antecedents the Explodes from the war Korea, and says the country will continue to do so reinforce – strengthen Their own capacity to defense to respond to ‘Worrying hostilities’ and violations of “sovereignty and security” by the United States. The press release then closes with a warning: a war In the Peninsula “Yes will expand quickly in a global warIn the war thermonuclear unprecedented in the world”, causing “the most catastrophic and irreversible consequences” for peace and security. in the region and the rest of the world.

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