No to the derby, but a joint practice of civilization and science

No to the derby, but a joint practice of civilization and science

The case in a Romanian high school was blown up (apparently) by a professor, the apprehension of the mother and her cuteness, and the mistakes made in other (and possibly self-correcting) countries in initiating premature and precipitating gender transitions. As I say, hoping for wise choices and a solid and respectful dialogue

Dear director, I read with concern my mother the discussion about “job alias”. She had a knack for accepting the pain of parents who faced their children’s discomfort with their own bodies, and saw the transitions automated, with the undisguised threat of “Would you rather a dead daughter, or a living son?”. I look at these mothers and their children and think they deserve more ideologies that instead of leaving room for healthy discussion, close confrontation, divide people into “bad,” as opposed to the nicknamed profession, and “good,” for favor.
“We are not going to tell a child dressed as Superman who greets us from the top of the ladder that he is really a superhero and therefore can fly. We are not going to tell a girl who weighs less than 50 kg and sees herself as fat that she can go on a diet. So, we are not going to tell a girl that she chooses a boy name and it is a boy “Ah no, unfortunately we do.” So one of these mothers asked us why it is so hard to tell scientific evidence about this in Italy. The NHS has officially advised against encouraging social transmission of minors (of which “job alias” is a step of) because The harm caused by this practice, closely following all the pioneering countries in this approach which are gradually abandoning it because it has been proven unsuccessful: how many complaints from “ex-boys” who have been invited to try the transition without thorough investigation now, adults, who wish to” return”, but find indelible wounds in soul and body: who will do the restoration of their breasts or genitals, or the ability to have satisfactory or fertile sex? Thousands of psychiatrists, psychotherapists and doctors in Europe sign a statement to the international observatory “La Petit Serene” (https: //www advocating an approach that preserves the physical and mental integrity of these children: Too many, due to the influence of social media and propaganda, have been instigated, believing that your malaise is being in the wrong body, to begin a path to sex change; In fact, the malaise is still there, with the addition of new wounds. And adults should protect them even from themselves.
As a mother, thanks to Avvenir, I like to invoke an exercise in civilization and science: It’s time to leave the derby out the door to look after the well-being of our vulnerable children, even when that means saying “number.”
Maria Rachel Royo

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I fully agree, kind Mrs. Royo, in your invitation to ‘practice in civilization and science’ also in relation to transgenderism, beginning with the (not easy or obvious) observation of the so-called ‘gender paradox’. The question was reopened by the case of Marco, an only aged, heterosexual, feeling masculine and for three years already going through the path of verification accompanied by parents and specialists, and finally also through his school, a Romanian high school. This young man, as explained yesterday Saturday, November 12, by Luciano Moya on our pages, is in fact the hero of the “career pseudonym”, that is, recognized by his school and in the “chosen name”. In this case, Marco. A teacher allegedly confronted Marco harshly, erasing his “chosen name” from an assignment and abruptly summoning him to the truth of his gender at birth. I’m using the subjunctive because I’m not sure what exactly happened. If things go like this, I’ll freak out, too. If for any reason there is no agreement on a decision from the school in which you are studying, and there may be disagreement and may be motivated by it, then it is not conceivable that rhetoric would result in a level of blatant clash in the classroom with one person. Pupil. And in the specific case, no one can claim to know more about a particular event, including the psychiatric event, of the person concerned, his parents and those who follow him in knowledge and conscience.
You’ve reached out to the serious concerns you give a voice to, Mrs. Royo. As you know, on the pages of “Avvenire” we have repeatedly given an account of mistakes, reckless choices and real disasters made in other parts of Europe and the world in dealing with hasty cases and even at a very young age of alleged “gender paradoxes” (once that We talked about ‘dysphonia’). A complex condition and not at all recurring, but not imaginary. In Great Britain as well as in Scandinavia, in fact, after a season of unfortunate slurs, there seems to be a more cautious and reversible streak in the initiation of sex-change paths for young and young Age We are not an amorphous and flexible substance, we are not our appearance, we are men and women, we are a biological and psychological reality, we are our souls … We need respect and sensitivity, not the delirium of absolute individual ability or social imposition. In the Roman case, where an adult transgender is The protagonist, it seems that the risk of rash steps has been considered. And parents, unlike what has happened and continues to happen in other countries even when there are minors, have fully participated and participated in. We must really hope for sensitivity and prudence, because the decisive “transition” And induced without weighing every option, some of them irreversible, begets only, you remember, more pain and exhaustion to live.
Also, colleague Moya pointed out in his article how dangerous and dangerous it is to enter into this discussion with pre-packaged slogans. and judging, even on the basis of a brief and non-existent knowledge of those human stories, situations that are always characterized by marked physical and relational annoyances and imaginable inner and spiritual suffering. I agree. I only add to the hope that things in the high school class were less wretched and disastrous than they appear in the reports in circulation, for no teacher–which I would allow him to say, without prejudice to the professor in question–should allow himself similar situations. to one described. If things went this cruel and shocking way, it would not be an exercise of the pedagogical duty of knowing how to say the “no” that she, the kind reader, raises about her parents, but out of a willful and provocative disrespect on the other hand, to the point of telling him essentially not “you what you are”, but “you are what I see”. Yes, it takes science, civilization, a sense of proportion and also one’s limits. Not a derby.

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