No More Heroes 3 announced for PlayStation, Xbox and PC with next-gen improvements –

No More Heroes 3 announced for PlayStation, Xbox and PC with next-gen improvements –

XSEED announced the arrival of No more heroes 3 also on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S and PCmaking Grasshopper an effective cross-platform game and putting an end to the Nintendo Switch exclusive, a platform that until now was the only console it’s been on.

There is no exact release date yet, but the game is expected to be inAutumn 2022, awaiting more information. According to the publisher, No More Heroes 3 will arrive on “new platforms” with “Improved HD graphicshigher frame rate and shorter load times,” which likely means some specific features of the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S versions, as well as the PC.

XSEED Games will open pre-orders for physical copies of No More Heroes 3 First day edition On Xbox One and Xbox Series X | S, PS5, PS4 for $59.99, in a special edition that includes a copy of the game, a 5.3 x 7.3-inch art book with over 70 pages of illustrations, a CD with songs from an audio clip and a commemorative motorcycle plaque for Santa Destroying it all inside Special box with illustration of Yusuke Kozaki.

XSEED is the North American publisher, so we are waiting for information regarding the European distribution of the physical first day release, which should remain compatible. For more information about the game, we refer you to our No More Heroes 3 review on Nintendo Switch.

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