Neuromarketing: Science at the Service of Marketing

Neuromarketing: Science at the Service of Marketing

She was only born a few years ago and we already hear a lot about her. Being such a small specialty, it is only natural that there is still confusion and there are many questions: what exactly does it deal with? What tools do you use? What are the advantages you provide to companies?

In short: file Neuromarketing study me Brain mechanisms that determine purchase and consumption choices. science or better Neuroscience in the service of marketing. Specifically, neuromarketing defines I irrational operations Thus, unaware, It pushes the consumer to choose the product And not another. It is no accident that we speak of consumer choice as “irrational”: for years we have left ourselves influenced by the image of the consumer as rational and logical, who always makes decisions in a calculated way. But things aren’t quite that simple: every time we find ourselves making a decision to buy a product or service, we’re bombarded emotions. they are these It influences our choices. However, at the moment, we don’t realize it. We think we made the most reasonable decision and find ourselves shortly after justifying it in every possible way.

Richard ThielR, winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2017, contributed to undermining that ideal, typical of traditional theories, which make the consumer an “economic man”. Indeed, Thaler asserts that man, even in the economic sphere, is entirely human: he is guided by desires, memories, associations of a personal nature … In short, emotions.

Imagine: you are shopping and …

Let’s take an example. You’re at the supermarket, you pass the pet products section and you stop. You stop even if there is nothing on your exact shopping list. But who knows, maybe there are some new snacks or toys your dog will love. And here two kinds of biscuits stand out before you: on the one hand, simple and cheap biscuits, all of the same shape and with a colorful but still serious cover; On the other side are the biscuits in the shape of a house, fish and star, all in a colorful package with a picture of a smiling dog. The most logical option? Obviously the first: the box contains more cookies and costs less than the second. and then, “For a dog the important thing is to eat”. However, something inside of you is prompting you to put the second package in your cart. This thought lasts for a few seconds when you smile at the idea that your happy and satisfied dog is eating a cake in the shape of a star. This is the moment when emotions emerge and your more human and least “economic” side emerges.

Practically speaking, how do companies help?

Neuromarketing develops from within research centers. In Italy, little by little, more and more study centers with highly specialized equipment are being developed: functional magnetic resonance imaging to find out which areas of the brain are stimulated, eye movement readers, tools for detecting emotional activation and more. The goal is to monitor and measure KnowledgeAnd the benefit And the Feelings directly in stores or in the lab. This kind of research fits the experience perfectly too Online. interestingIn-Depth Study of Neuromarketing Tools by Harvard Business Review.

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At this point is area Neuromarketing is straightforward: Use study results to refine and improve sales strategies. Every year, more and more companies rely on research centers for feedback on products, services, spaces, and, accordingly, indicators for their improvement. To name a few, among the companies that rely on research methods in neuromarketing are Facebook, Google, Lavazza, Technogym … the largest companies, like the first two, have recognized the value and usefulness of this type of research to the point of investing in setting up their own study centers. Others, such as Lavazza and Technogym, rely on external research centers.

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An interesting case history is related to a famous brand of potato chips Frito Lay. The brand relied on this new research methodology to understand why i Products No they were Women are valued as much as men. Studies have shown that the problem is Packaging: color yellow The brightness of the beam caused activation of the associated region in the female brain feeling guilty. In short, the impression was that Lots of calories. Thus, the packaging was changed: it was no longer bright yellow, but beige. In fact, brown was associated with the elements of nature and earth colors. In addition, references to spices and bread were introduced. The result: the final packaging gave the idea of ​​a healthier product. After these changes, sales increased dramatically, thanks mainly to the female target. Frito-Lay is an example of how neuromarketing intervenes: it studies consumer brain reactions to help brands create more compelling messages in line with their desires and expectations.

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Do you want to know more? Here you find a file book link Neuromarketing by Mariano Diottoan expert in this field, is also perfect for those who are new to this topic.

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