Milan-Romagnoli, appointment with Raiola for renewal. Juve’s truth | first page

Milan-Romagnoli, appointment with Raiola for renewal.  Juve’s truth |  first page

Always professional, correct, and never a misplaced word. Alessio Romagnoli is one of the positive notes for Milan first in the standings. He is no longer a regular player, but he makes his contribution constantly (6 posts from 1 in the league so far). That downsizing, he accepted a new role as a luxury reserve, with compelling responses on the pitch. Where it matters most. The group he leads values ​​him, and Peuli values ​​him as well as the company. Who in fact would be happy to renew the contract, which expires in June. However, it is not easy to reach the finish line.

player will – Romagnoli earns €5 million net per season, a very rich contract he signed with the previous owner (when Sergio Berti followed him). Milan can’t reach these numbers now An important player, yes a captain, but no longer a key player. But there is room to talk about it, to try to meet each other. The 26-year-old centrist, despite some opinion polls from the prime minister and some recruitment from Lazio, would like to stay in Mila.n.

the meeting – And then everything can change. So much so that the news of the past few hours, rumors Sportitalia that it A meeting in the next few days between Milan, Romagnoli and Raiola’s agent. The first direct comparison to understand whether there are conditions to move forward together. Alessio wants to listen to the club’s proposal: he knows that it will most likely be less than his current salary, but he wants to understand how much. Then draw their own conclusions. Meanwhile, Raiola is still thinking of Juventus as a premise for his client: An idea for the time being, also born of Allegri’s respect for the Rossoneri commander, which could become something else if the dialogues with Maldini and Massara do not produce the desired results.

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