Measures to begin reversing the failure of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA).

The Ministry of Education will publish one next year The first battery of measures To reverse the decline in educational outcomes. The minister announced, Anna Simobefore the Catalan Education Council, in response to the proposals made a month ago by the group of experts appointed by the same administration to abolish The poor results of the recent PISA report.

Education will create character Top teachers and professors in mathematics, reading and comprehension In schools starting next year. A plan to improve reading comprehension in 250 schools and a program to improve mathematics in 200 schools and colleges will also be strengthened. Also from September There will be 1,900 additional teachers.

The council member explained that they would have liked to accept all of the Impulsor Group's proposals for measures to improve education, but that Context of extended and end-of-term budgets They didn't allow it.

Accounts that did not go ahead allocated €50 million to strengthen these measures, but Simo guaranteed they would be implemented. The most urgent measures, those that cannot be postponed. It will be partly financed through an additional credit line approved by the government.

“We don't have the most expansive budget, and this would have allowed us to have a portfolio of just €50 million to push the immediate proposals. Now, even though we don't have the budgets, we cannot postpone the response to improve results.”

Minister of Education Anna Simo (ACN)

Plans to improve language and mathematics in some centers

Education will enhance the learning of mathematical and linguistic skills with Create a teaching reference In these topics in infant education and primary education. Existing language and library immersion profiles will also be enhanced.

The section will be published A plan to improve reading comprehension Which envisages training teachers in 250 centers initially to improve literacy methodologies.

The materials will be prepared so that the centers can review the reading skills they implement, and test fluency and comprehension in both primary and secondary schools. It will also be created Space for experimentation and reflection on reading in a small number of centres.

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Regarding Mathematical competence, the 2024-25 academic year will launch a program initially targeting the 200 educational centers that have the most room for improvement in this area. The program will include training and advice on manipulative educational materials, programming and manuals for teachers.

The goal is Enhance learning aspects with more room for improvement Which enables each center to recognize it in the results of the latest basic skills tests. At the same time, Education shows that improvements in continuing education in mathematics teaching and agreements with universities for initial teacher training are already being promoted.

The centers will have a basic educational guide

The department will supply educational centers with basic materials to facilitate teachers Determine the foundations of learning in different curriculum areas. Guidance documents and guides that will include the main evaluation criteria for each cycle are already being prepared.

These guides will guide teachers and centers in operations at that time Program and design learning and assessment activities. Guidance will also be provided to centers for sequencing and repair of learning Reading and writing in the first cycle of primary school.

Six lines of action: from inclusion to stabilization of centres

The administration has defined its proposal in line with the main objectives set by the expert group: integration, training and skills improvement, combating early school leaving, reception and full-time education, in addition to promoting children's well-being. Educational community and defense of Catalan.

the First line The business wants to keep moving forward Equity, inclusion and support for students To ensure equal opportunities. will be created 340 new employee allocations To improve the attention of students with special educational needs and reduce higher rates.

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Simó also announced that it will be included from September New professional Catalan module To professional training courses for professions dedicated to serving people. In addition, the shock plan will be introduced in the first quarter of next year Setting leakage rate less than 9%, This is what distinguishes the European Union.

the The second line He wants to focus the work of teachers onEfficiency approach Basic learning for each stage. This book includes math and reading improvement plans and essential learning guides. A plan to improve school libraries in the country is also planned.

the Third line He wants to make sure Welfare conditions For all members of the educational community, whether at the teaching or student level. This includes dissemination of the resource nurse figure for the health and school program in kindergartens and primary schools.

First-year ESO students at the beginning of the year at the Badia School Institute, in Badia del Valles (CCMA)

the Fourth line Vol Updating and improving initial teacher trainingGuiding them to join the system and providing them with permanent training. The improvement and innovation program in teacher training has been reactivated in cooperation with colleges of education. New teacher support programs will continue and the permanent teacher training plan will be strengthened based on data and indicators.

the Fifth line It aims to promote, support and trust Stability in educational centers. Education confirms this Next year there will be 1,914 new endowments compared to the previous year A new exchange for places and vacancies, a second algorithm for remote recruitment, and a stable pool of substitutes will be created. Work is also being done to remove bureaucracy from the centres.

the Sixth line He wants to supply the education systemRegulatory and economic stability. Progress is being made in mainstreaming PEE schemes for full-time education across the country and campaigns are being promoted to raise the profile of the profession. Simo insisted on this The course will start on the sixth working day Which was commissioned to conduct a study on schedules and carry out ongoing daily work.

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The government proposes to create a new legislative council Education Evaluation and Foresight Agency To generate scientific evidence that will serve as a guide in policies to improve the quality of the education system. The ministry also says that in the next school year, organizational support will be prepared to conduct a pilot test for school districts for the 2025-26 school year.

According to 2020 data, public spending on education in Catalonia is 4.21% of GDPis still far from the 6% demanded by the LEC on the horizon of 2029.

A plan conditional on the extension of the budget and the end of the legislative mandate

Councilor Simo explained that they accept a large part of the expert group's proposals, but they present them Those are possible in the short term Depending on size, budget and/or complexity.

Simo admitted this A budget extension and the end of the legislative session are not the best context to address them, but he also justified that turning them on all at once could “strain the system again” and that they would have to be implemented gradually, where possible.

The Council member explained that not approving the most expansive budgets in history prevents them from obtaining a €50 million item aimed at strengthening the measures proposed by the expert group.

Meanwhile, the government on Tuesday approved a line of credit for urgent expenses including 312 million euros for education. These resources will be used mainly to employ teachers during the course and to ensure food grants.

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