LIVE LBA – Bertram Tortona blasts, Virtus Bologna slams into Race Two

LIVE LBA – Bertram Tortona blasts, Virtus Bologna slams into Race Two

Match 2 of the semi-finals is tonight at the Segafredo Arena between Virtus Bologna and the Bertram Derthona, with a score of 1-0 in the series. The pick-up is scheduled for 21:00, and no news has been announced on the two lists. direct text.

The fourth quarter – Severini opens the quarter with his personal treble. Mickey answers from two, Hunt sets the bomb from around the corner. Candy wastes a good deed, and Bagula names the alley for Mickey, all teams in the world 84-64. Ojeleye and Radosevic score from three, then 6’28” Belinelli from two. Technical foul on Radosevic arrives at 35 minutes and Belinelli hits a free throw. Virtus breaks 8-0 up to 99-71 due to Ramondino’s timeout after that. Mannion assists Ojeleye Mannion going solo with 3’35”, Cordinier scoring in the first half +32, Ojeleye scoring the triple 106-71 with 2’45” and Derthona on his knees. Camara, Daum making three point play. Credits pretty much close to word The End.Cordinier also goes into double figures, bringing Tavernelli Tortona back to -30 entering in the last minute, which both teams honor with a bit of contention.

comment: Bertram shone for the first 8′, which made us think of another race compared to the 1, also thanks to the surprise Hunt. However, the exchange game exposed menu differences in an unforgiving manner. First played by Mickey, then Abbas, a great series of personal goals, Ramondino’s team had trouble and never recovered. A blast with no ifs, buts or extenuating circumstances: Even Creston’s foot injury arrived after the game ended in a big way. Virtus showed his personal best with 28 saves (7 each for Teodosic and Pajola) and could already collect a series mortgage in Game 3 at Casale Monferrato.

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Virtus Bologna – Bertram Dertona 108-78 (2-0). Boxscore: 20 Mickey, 15 Ojeleye and Abass, 12 Hackett, 11p + 10r Jaiteh, 11 Cordinier for Virtus; 17 Daum, 16 Makura, 15 Hunt for Derthona.

Third quarter – There is no shortage of competitive spirit, but it takes 1’30” to basket Jaiteh after a pass from Teodosic. Creston scored his first hat-trick of the evening, and Jaiteh hit 1/2 on the line and Macura hit the triple. Shengelia responded from the ‘arc, with 7 ’06” from three also Daum 61-49. Hackett hits two consecutive baskets and thwarts Tortona’s efforts. Makura puts up another triple but then on defense makes his fourth foul on Abbas who misses 67-52 overtime. Makura approaches the coach, but is pardoned at the 25th minute. A successful running shot for Teodosic. Bertram seemed to struggle physically, Teodosic lost the ball and Candy was all set for a rematch 70-54. Mickey makes his way into Piedmont territory, Bellinelli comes in and helps Mickey with a +20 with 2’10”, Coach Ramondino stops everyone with a timeout. Fadeaway for Daum, Creston leaves with a foot problem, and the triple by Ojeleye 77-56. With a 51.6″ Cordinier Makes 2 + 1, Dom dunks on Mickey’s head. 30’ arrived and 80-58 is very eloquent.

The second quarter is live – Mickey receives another great ball from Teodosic and converts it with 2 + 1 which equals +6 Virtus. Abbas also scored, when Ramondino exited after 40 seconds: 12-0 Virtus, 28-20. A remarkable arrest and shooting by Candy which opens the scoreboard for Bertram. A bombshell from Abass on the other side but a quick response from Severini: 31-25. The Teodosic-Mickey axis continues to collect points: another basket and a foul by the former Real Madrid great, who missed a free throw.. ABASS! on fire, Another hat-trick that’s already 8 for him: Virtus up 11 after 2:30 into the second period. Another lap by Mickey Virtus, 2/2 and 7-0, +13. Candy hits three important points, but Abass on the other side is unstoppable and also scores off the post. Creston eats two points and frowns again! Another triple, 43-28. Tortona deflects, leaving room for the unforgiving Shengelia from the arc. A triple backhand from Hunt, Macura 46-34 and Scariolo timeout with 3’30”. Three offensive rebounds from Jaiteh in the same action send him to the 1/2 line. Instead, Mike Daum makes the 2/2, who then Free Shengelia throws us 2/2 with 2’21”. The competitive spirit is excellent, he makes two free throws, as does Hunt. Hackett puts a fade out, then incapacitates Hunt and his yelling makes him take the referee’s lecture. Ramondino timeouts with 29″. Creston stays at 1/11 to shoot tonight, Hackett flies with a layup at the whistle For 55-40 at 20 minutes. 13 Abbas, 11 Mickey; 12 chase.

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First Quarter A free kick from Gaeteh opens the match. Daum scores a goal: 1-2. Four consecutive points from Hackett who put Virtus up 5-2 after 2′. Cain scored the first two of his matches for -1. Lost by Shengelia, transition and basket with a foul by Daum. Just came from under 7-7 in the fourth minute. A big basket in reverse by Creston, then a steal by Hunt who scored two easy +4 points. Virtus misses a lot, another loss and a bomb Hunt +7: 7-14 in the middle of the quarter. Bellinelli scored three goals in his time of need. Severini bomb 10-17. Finds Ojeleye under Jaiteh, Virtus at -5. Cordinier finds his way to the basket and dunks. Macura responds with a foul, and Bertram is still at +6. Partial 6-0 Virtus led by Mickey, 20-20. Theodosic! Triple dribbling: 9-0 Bologna H The first quarter ends at 23-20.

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