La Verna the protagonist of the column Geosites of Tuscany: between science, history and myth

La Verna the protagonist of the column Geosites of Tuscany: between science, history and myth

With the first episode dedicated to La Verna (Arezzo), the video column is about Tuscan geological sites, which was born out of a collaboration between the Foundation of Geologists of Tuscany and Stefano Farinelli, Geologist and promoter of environmental issues. A series of points focusing on geology and the interaction between man and the environment following the effects of sustainable development. A simple key format, to involve as many people as possible in the discovery of the Earth sciences and in particular the territory of Tuscany.

“For some time now, with my video reports, I have been trying to disseminate natural/scientific information using simple language, in order to reach a large number of users – he explains Stefano Farinelli -. It started with the Tuscan Valtiberina, where I was born, to show the geological beauty of the region to many unknown, even to those lucky enough to have it ‘at home’. A way to open a window to this world that, especially during lockdown, wanted it to be a “breath of fresh air” for all those who could not spend their free time outdoors.

there The first episode of the format was made in the format La Verna, a limestone outcrop, on which stands the well-known and symmetrical Franciscan sanctuary. Together with information on the geological context, Farinelli informs us of the curiosity of local legends and, in an interview with the Father, Guardian of the Sanctuary, leads us to discover how Saint Francis of Assisi interacted with the rocks he loved. To follow the coordination, you can visit the pages Facebook, Instagram and the new YouTube channel of the Guild of Geologists of Tuscany.

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