“Kyiv withdraws from Bakhmut”. Putin signs the electronic bill

“Kyiv withdraws from Bakhmut”.  Putin signs the electronic bill
9:22 Berlin: “China asks Moscow to stop the war” German Foreign Minister Annalina Berbock urged Beijing today to demand that the “Russian aggressor stop the war” in Ukraine, noting that “no other country has more influence over Russia than China.” “I must say frankly that I wonder why the Chinese position so far does not include a request for the Russian aggressor to stop the war,” said Chen Gang, head of German diplomacy, during a press conference. 9:43 007 GB: “Ukrainians withdraw from Bakhmut” Ukrainian forces are experiencing “significant supply problems” and are “systematically withdrawing from positions” they previously occupied. Gb intelligence claims it in its latest daily update. The report stated that “the Ukrainian defense still controls the western areas of the city, but it was particularly exposed to intense Russian artillery fire during the past 48 hours,” noting the improvement of cooperation between the Russian Ministry of Defense and the Wagner Battalion in the city of Donetsk. In the midst of fierce fighting for months. 10:03 Beijing: “We do not give weapons to Russia” China will not sell

Weapons of the parties to the conflict in Ukraine. This was confirmed by the Foreign Minister of Beijing. Qin Gang responds to the concerns of the United States leaked in top secret papers stolen from the United States. Speaking at a joint press conference with her visiting German counterpart, Annalina Berbock, Chen renewed Will

China will help facilitate negotiations for a peaceful solution to the conflict and said all parties should remain “objective and calm”.

10:30 Beijing: “The only solution is peace talks” On the Ukrainian issue, “the Chinese side stressed that the only way to solve the crisis is to promote peace talks.” This was stated by Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin, regarding the bilateral meeting held in Beijing between Foreign Minister Qin Gang and his German counterpart Annalena Berbock. “China is ready to continue to work for peace and hopes that all parties concerned will remain objective and calm and work together to solve the crisis through negotiations,” Wang said at the daily press conference. 10:38 Ukraine’s ambassador to Italy: “Italy’s role is decisive” “The role of Italy, and personally of Giorgia Meloni, in this context is crucial for us, and I am glad that after the visit of the Prime Minister to Ukraine, the personal relations between the leaders of Italy and Ukraine are very strong and they become deeper every day when they talk on the phone,” said the Ukrainian ambassador to Italy Jaroslav Melnik, in an interview with SkyTg24. 12:49 Zelensky: “Only victory can stop Russian terrorism” Only a military victory

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Ukraine will be able to “stop Russian terrorism”: wrote Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky today on his Telegram channel. “There is only one way to stop Russian terrorism, to restore security in all our cities and communities: from the Sumy region to the Donbass, from the Kharkiv region to the Kherson region, from the Kiev region to Yalta. And this path is a military victory for Ukraine.

12:54 Kiev: “Crimea is ours and we will fight by all means” Crimea is a territory

Ukraine and there we will test and use any weapon that is not prohibited by international law that will help liberate our lands.” The head of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Oleksiy Danilov, assured him in his tweet.

2:22 p.m Xi Jinping and Lula: “Negotiations are the only way out” Chinese President Xi Jinping and Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva agreed that dialogue and negotiation are the only viable way to solve the Ukrainian crisis. This was reported by the state network CCTV, giving an account of the bilateral meeting held by the two leaders in the Great Hall of the People. Furthermore, “all efforts to resolve the crisis peacefully should be encouraged and supported.” For this reason, the two presidents “called on more countries to play a constructive role in promoting a political solution to the crisis and decided” at the same time to “keep their contacts open on the basis of merit.” 2.25pm Medvedev: The war between NATO and Russia will disappear Poland Dmitry Medvedev launches a harsh attack on the Polish government: “An idiot named Mateusz Morawiecki said that Ukraine has the right to strike Russia and that he is not worried about NATO’s war against Russia, because the latter will quickly lose it. I don’t know who will win or lose such a war, but given the role Poland as a NATO outpost in Europe, this country is destined to disappear along with its stupid prime minister, ”the deputy head of the Russian Security Council wrote on Twitter. . 3.15pm American documents: the war decimated the Russian special forces The war in Ukraine has wiped out Russia’s special forces, called Spetsnaz, and it will take “years” to rebuild them. This was revealed by a US intelligence assessment contained in the Pentagon files leaked in recent days and read by The Washington Post. When Moscow launched its invasion last year, the underground newspapers read, that elite troops usually used for highly dangerous covert missions were sent to fight on the front lines by Moscow generals “more suspicious of Moscow’s ability to win than ordinary units” and that they had to incur so much suffering. losses. 3.50 p.m Kiev: 102 settlements hit by the Russians in 24 hours Over the past 24 hours, Russian forces have bombed 102 Ukrainian settlements in eight different regions, killing three civilians and wounding eight. The budget was published by the Military Information Center of Ukraine on Telegram, on behalf of the Ministry of Defense in Kyiv. Between yesterday and today, the Russians carried out 19 airstrikes and fired 39 missiles, data collected by the Ukrainian military revealed. According to reports from the media center, the Moscow army used various weapons to carry out the attacks, such as mortars, tanks, heavy artillery, MLRS rocket launchers, S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems, drones, and combat aircraft. Damage to 62 civilian infrastructures has also been confirmed. 5.30pm Kyiv: Chinese Components in Russian Weapons Ukrainian Presidential Adviser Vladislav Vlasyuk told Reuters that Ukrainian forces are finding more and more Chinese components in Russian weapons used in Ukraine. “We keep finding different electronics in weapons recovered from the battlefield. We collect many different things, made in China.” 5.55 p.m Medvedev: With the war between NATO and Russia, Poland will disappear Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev predicted that Poland would “disappear” in the event of a war between NATO and Russia. Medvedev also called Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki “stupid” in a tweet. 6.30pm The weapons promised to Denmark are on the way Denmark is ready to send the promised 19 Caesar artillery systems to Ukraine last January. The Danish Ministry of Defense announced that the weapons would arrive within the next few weeks. 7:24 p.m The Panthers promised by Canada have arrived in Poland The eight Leopard 2 tanks that Canada promised to Ukraine have arrived in neighboring Poland. Canadian Defense Minister Anita Anand made the announcement today. Germany and the United Kingdom last month delivered 18 advanced Leopard tanks and 14 Challenger 2 tanks, respectively, to Ukraine last month, and Spain pledged to purchase six Leopards. While the United States promised 31 Abrams tanks, but not before the fall. 21:13 Putin signs the electronic military conscription Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law providing for the creation of an electronic army call system, which will greatly facilitate the mobilization of Russians into the army. The bill provides for the crackdown on those seeking to evade military service.

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