Kurds’ plea to Russia and US to avoid Erdogan’s new war

Kurds’ plea to Russia and US to avoid Erdogan’s new war

The Kurds “take seriously” the hypothesis of a new Turkish military operation in northeastern Syria, the probability of which – according to data released by the Ankara government – seems to be increasing day by day. Therefore, they are appealing to the international community to stop the invasion as explained by Muhammad Hassan, the official of the International Relations Department of the Autonomous Administration of Northeast Syria, known simply as Rojava, a “de-facto” autonomous region under Kurdish control.

In recent days, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced a “new phase” of operations against the Kurdish People’s Protection Units, particularly in the cities of Tel Rifaat and Manbij, with the aim of “creating a safe zone of more than 30 kilometers.” “Across the border. The Kurdistan Workers’ Party, whose Syrian branch is the People’s Protection Units, has always been used by Turkey” which considers it a terrorist organization “as a justification for occupying Syrian territory,” Hassan says.

In response to the minister, the official said, “The Autonomous Administration areas of northeastern Syria did not threaten Turkish national security at all. On the contrary, it was Turkey that had already made three invasions in northern Syria and occupied large areas.” Foreign Affairs Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said, “The terrorist organizations that threaten the territorial integrity of Syria and increase the danger to us must be eliminated from this country.”

Regarding a possible new Turkish offensive, the Kurds believe – continues Hassan – that Turkey “so far has not been able to persuade the United States and Russia to support a military campaign” in the Rojava regions, but “Turkey’s attempts are underway. Of course, we believe that all scenarios are possible” because we” We take Turkish threats very seriously.” For this reason, the Rojava official concludes, “We appeal to the United States, Russia and the international community to pressure Turkey to stop its aggression on our region and to respect the ceasefire agreement signed with the United States and not with Russia in 2019.”

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Recently, Erdogan, who wants to be adopted as a mediator in the war in Ukraine, returned to criticizing Washington and Moscow for not maintaining – according to him – the commitment to create a buffer zone on the border, arguing that the goal of this “new phase” is to protect Turkey and the population of northern Syria from the “terrorist threat” posed by the People’s Protection Units.

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