Julia lived with her mother, Elizabeth, and her siblings, Vanessa, a make-up artist, and Daniel, 16, a student, in a beautiful building on Piazza Negra.. The neighborhood shopkeepers know them well. “A beautiful family, the boys are three wonders,” says Mamadou Dayan, a merchant and friend of Julia’s mother. Neighbors mourn and describe the volleyball player as “a very good and kind girl. He always said hello.” The funeral will take place in the church of San Filippo Neri alla Bovesca, where Julia learned to play volleyball..
“I have not yet been able to speak directly with Julia’s parents, but we are in contact with her family – says parish priest Don Ivan Bellini – in our sports center Julia took her first steps, which is why the funeral will take place here. They will not be in a special form, and we are waiting for some sports delegations to attend». Don Ivan did not know Julia personally, “but they told me her story.” On the oratorio’s Facebook page are these words: «As you all know, the life of our community has been rocked in recent days by the tragic news of Julia’s death; A promising young volleyball player who started taking her first steps as an athlete and as a girl in our sports club and discovered her talent with us. Words are not enough to express our pain; At the same time, when we join the family, we are also called to keep the Easter hope with Christ at our side. May the Lord Jesus, who conquered death, grant us peace and strength to us who suffer, and welcome dear Julia with him into his kingdom ».

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