Italians believe in science, but misinformation is accelerating

Italians believe in science, but misinformation is accelerating

until blast COVID-19flag was considered with Curiosity and perhaps fearbut did not require our direct intervention (except in cases like June 2005 referendum To repeal Law 40 on Assisted Reproduction). But the pandemic has forced us all to face something that is hard to understand, like it or not forming opinions.

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So he came here various scholarseach of them has their own opinions and skills, to tell us about the reality and the current situation, not only in relation to corona virus disease pandemicbut also for example on the increasing importance weather changes. But how was all this received, and what does the Italians have to do with science? To assess the situation, think about it Science Status Indicator From 15:00Which achieved in the opinion of Europeans and Italians.

According to the report,

  • The 91% of Italians he claims Trust the science (against the88% of Europeans)

The problem However is this

  • The 52% of Italians He thinks it’s very hard to understand What are the reliable media sources?

What are the sources of information? I obviously traditional mediawho have confidence 72% of Italians (70% European) against 33% From respondents who trust the reported scientific facts Social media (31% European).

The positive fact is that88% of Italians interviewed (compared to 79% at the European level) would like to know directly from the scientists more information about their work, and that 54% of Italians (45% of Europeans) say they value science more than before the pandemic.

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And therefore Confidence in science, which are indispensable for addressing more current problems even after the pandemic, but also difficulties in retrieving reliable sources. And this is an important point, as respondents are of the opinion that not believing in science can lead to important consequences:

  • Major public health crises (57% of Europeans and 57% of Italians)
  • Bigger social divisions (57% of Europeans and 60% of Italians)
  • increase in The severity of the effects of climate change (52% of Europeans and 55% of Italians)

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