Italian highways, hundreds of teachers stopped: why did they do that? The truth has come out

Italian highways, hundreds of teachers stopped: why did they do that?  The truth has come out
Italian highways, hundreds of teachers stopped: why did they do that?  The truth has come out
Sign indicating a teacher on the highway / Image from Wikipedia /

The police have deactivated many of the 166 markers located on Italian highways: that is the reason for this choice.

These groups covered 1,550 km of roads, and their total number on our highways reached 166 km. But in recent weeks, the police announced that they had disabled many of them.

Gauges are automatic detection devices whose task is to measure the average speed on a particular stretch of road, unlike speed cameras that measure instantaneous speed. It is managed by the traffic police, which sets ignition hours and parameters. These systems are based on SICVE technology (System Information Cruise Control).

Now, police have announced they’ve stopped several of them: Here’s where private tutors were stopped and why it happened.

Highways, hundreds of teachers were disabled. Here’s why and where it happened

Until a few weeks ago, there were 166 private tutors working on Italian highways, while a few years ago this number reached 300 systems. The latter spread over a length of about 2,500 kilometers. If the goal seems to be to return to this number, in recent weeks the traffic police have announced that they have had to decommission a very large number of them. Motivation? Construction sites for work in progress dot Italian highways, slowing traffic over many stretches.

Thus, many teachers were suspended. Going into more detail, among those stopped are teachers on the A6 (Turin – Savona), A7 (Milan – Genoa) and on the A26 (Genoa – Gravellona Tos) motorways, almost all of them in the Liguria region. Instructors were turned off because, due to the changing limits, it became impossible to record the average vehicle speed. It is very likely that these devices will return to operation once the works are completed and the construction sites are abandoned: the aim is to be back in operation by the end of the year.

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Work site
Teachers have been shut down near work in progress /

Disabling teachers, there are opposing voices: here are the reasons

Even if the suspension of teachers has been welcomed by many motorists, it is also true that there are some opposing voices that consider this measure to be uneducational in the fight against road safety.

And also because, as these links and dissenting voices indicate, there are already rules limiting speed when crossing a section of road with construction sites. Therefore, it was enough to apply these rules and thus leave the teachers, which discourages raising the speed.

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